
The Moron, Neal Katyal

According to Salon, “Legal scholars pushed back on former acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal’s claim that the Supreme Court may be compelled to reexamine a recent case after evidence surfaced that the claim at the heart of the case may have been fabricated. … Katyal suggested that the Supreme Court should revisit the ruling given the evidence. ‘The Supreme Court has a procedure to seek a rehearing, so to say, “Hey Supreme Court, there’s a new fact that emerged and we need you to revisit your ruling,’ so that’s possible. The Supreme Court can also on its own ask for a briefing on this new question on whether this case is made up,’ Katyal told MSNBC. … But legal scholars pushed back on Katyal’s argument. ‘I think this is a nonstarter,’ former U.S. Attorney Barb McQuade, a University of Michigan law professor, told Salon. ‘The Court glossed over standing in this case because a plaintiff is permitted to make a facial challenge to a law on the ground that yet violates the First Amendment.'” Ya think?!?!? Just to be absolutely crystal clear: No one can force SCOTUS to do anything. They select the cases they want when they want and rule in the manner and on the questions they want. Full! F***ing! Stop!

Because I watch liberal news almost exclusively, I am subjected, at times, to the idiocy of the left as MSM “experts” placate their audience with ridiculous claims such as SCOTUS may be “forced” to reconsider the merits of the 303 Creative case. Katyal is one of the worst when it comes to treating the viewership like a bunch of f***ing morons — and he’d be right most of the time. But for the rest of us, he comes off as another head-in-the-clouds liberal with no grip on reality. He still doesn’t get it. He still doesn’t understand that the ends it what SCOTUS cares about; they have no interest in revisiting cases or issues once they have declared their edicts in the image of White Christian nationalism. I don’t f***ing care what law school he graduated from or how many times he’s argued cases before SCOTUS; if Katyal can’t read the room or understand the zeitgeist of the moment, then in my mind, he’s a f***tard — book smart but not street smart. Last I checked, most people live in the streets, so to speak. (This is why traitor trump is so popular.) These progressives and their constant wishing for the impossible is aggravating. No wonder dumbass Democrats are always behind the eight ball; they spend all their time hoping and less time actually acting, or worse still, ignoring the true threat of the RepubliKKKlan Party. But whatever! They never learn. Welcome to stupid America!