MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

The Most Presidential President Ever!

CNN reports, “When President Donald Trump erupted in rage during two appearances Wednesday, it foreshadowed a dark and unsettled impeachment season ahead. There was little strategy evident as Trump railed against Democrats and the media during public events with Finland’s president.” What a f***ing trainwreck this was, of course, except in the minds of MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans who are too stupid to comprehend the utter disaster of today. To these idiots, he’s doing exactly what he was sent to Washington to do: destroy everything and pick fights. It’s that simple. The most racist, misogynistic, homophobic, and vile people elected an even more racist, misogynistic, homophobic, and vile president. Everything is exactly as it should be! Welcome to stupid America. I can’t!

I am so f***ing over the stupidity of this country! There should not be a single f***ing moron on the face of this planet that witnesses the performances of traitor trump with the President of Finland and think he is doing a good job. This is absolutely un-f***ing-believable. Allow me to put the level of stupidity that surrounds me at any given moment into perspective. Pick a line! Any line! A line at a movie theater. A line at the grocery store. A line at the bank. Any f***ing line. Given traitor trump’s job approval rating has never dropped below 33%, what does that mean? I look at the person in front of me and I look at the person behind me. The probability is high and almost certain that one of those two people is a traitor trump supporter. (I am not accounting for geography even though that would skew the chances. But I maintain that even his steady approval rating of the low- to mid-40% is understated in any given poll in any given state. There are simply more traitor trump supporters than people would like to admit.) In short, traitor trump supporters — MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans — are f***ing everywhere! Under our noses! Hence, I am surrounded by morons in a moronic country that thinks traitor trump’s behaivor as a president has been perfectly acceptable. Un-f***ing-believable! Welcome to stupid America!