The Must Read Atlantic Article

Two points from the article are worth discussing. The first, “Maybe you hesitate. Is it a fact that if Trump loses, he will reject defeat, come what may? Do we know that? Technically, you feel obliged to point out, the proposition is framed in the future conditional, and prophecy is no man’s gift, and so forth. With all due respect, that is pettifoggery. We know this man. We cannot afford to pretend. … Conventional commentary [i.e., MSM] has trouble facing this issue squarely. Journalists and opinion makers feel obliged to add disclaimers when asking ‘what if’ Trump loses and refuses to concede.” Finally, one periodical that is not only willing to call out the obvious about traitor trump but also willing to call out the MSM and the like for being too stupid and feckless to do the same. In short, MSM has been giving traitor trump the benefit of the doubt and giving him a pass on virtually everything throughout his term and before — calling his pathological lies “untruths” is laughable and giving him a pass. To be sure, MSM helped to perpetuate the idiot dictator, and they will be complicit in his remaining in power. Like most of the morons in America, the MSM and “conventional commentary” are completely blind to the true nature — vileness, anti-democracy, and pure idiocracy — of traitor trump, MAGA morons, and RepubliKKKlans. Whatever! We’re f***ed. Nothing matters anymore because America is just too f***ing stupid! A country this stupid cannot (should not) be allowed to survive.

The second quote, “According to sources in the Republican Party at the state and national levels, the Trump campaign is discussing contingency plans to bypass election results and appoint loyal electors in battleground states where Republicans hold the legislative majority. With a justification based on claims of rampant fraud, Trump would ask state legislators to set aside the popular vote and exercise their power to choose a slate of electors directly. The longer Trump succeeds in keeping the vote count in doubt, the more pressure legislators will feel to act before the safe-harbor deadline expires.” And here is the most interesting point of all. I have said it time and time again for years. Traitor trump is going to win re-election. Full stop! Mark my words, morons. Before the pandemic, I believed that he would win outright because the economy, stupid; the same f***tards who voted for him in all the right places four years ago will do so again in all the right places (e.g., in those “blue wall” states — Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania). Now, during the pandemic, I am more convinced he will win by crook. That is, traitor trump will steal the election. Full stop! The Atlantic article demonstrates the most likely course of action beyond just sowing chaos, doubt, and mistrust. In the end, traitor trump needs at least 270 electors to win. Once the Congress of the United States certifies the electors, then the president has been officially determined. Full stop! So, how will traitor trump guarantee the minimum number of electors? Through RepubliKKKlan legislatures in blue states. In short, RepubliKKKlans will overrule the popular will of the people in those states if the election is close — and maybe if the election is not close. Don’t expect the House to stand up to illegitimate electors. That will never happen! Dumbass Democrats will help traitor trump by playing by the old rules. Democrats in the House will readily accept whatever electors states send, no matter how nakedly corrupt the process was in selecting them. Ugh! Kill me now!

Allow me to expand on this point of our “democracy,” for I think most Americans are just too f***ing stupid to understand just how removed the people are from actually electing the president. We already know — at least people better f***ing know this by now — that the president is not elected by popular vote. What may not be widely known is that the state legislatures have — have always had — the final say about what electors they send to the U.S. House for certification. And those who think that RepubliKKKlans, given the chance to steal power, will not take it are absolute f***tards of the highest f***ing order. So, what part of RepubliKKKlan’s complicity with traitor trump’s crime administration over the last four years suggests they will stand up for the principles of America this time? None! I have no doubt that RepubliKKKlan legislatures will thwart the people’s will if the election is close. How many times have they done it — or tried — in the past? Allow me to list just a few examples. Universal background check for gun purchases? This issue has eighty to ninety percent of national support, yet RepubliKKKlans always block any legislation on the matter. The ACA? RepubliKKKlans want it killed and don’t care if people die even though Obamacare is more popular now with the majority of people since its inception. The next SCOTUS term will finally kill it — get ready, morons! What else? Climate change? Yup, RepubliKKKlans don’t care what the majority thinks. They continue to deny it and roll back environmental protection regulations and legislation. The vast majority of Americans wanted to stay in the Paris Climate Agreement, but whatever! Traitor trump withdrew anyway to please the minority. Affordable drug prices? RepubliKKKlans continue to ignore it and do nothing. DACA? The majority want DACA recipients protected, but traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans will most certainly eliminate it in his second term, and SCOTUS will uphold canceling the program. And one more. Most people want the winner of the upcoming presidential election to select the next SCOTUS Justice. But whatever! RepubliKKKlans don’t care; they will ram through their next right-wing nutjob. So, those who think that traitor trump and his compliant RepubliKKKlans will not do everything to ignore the will of the people to retain power are f***ing G.D. idiots of the highest f***ing order and really should be subject to a Tiergartenstraße 4 program. And does anyone really think dumbass Democrats are up to this fight? Ha! LMFAO! I promise Biden will concede the election as traitor trump intentionally stirs up chaos because the idiot in the White House does happen to understand one thing: He has all the power, and he knows Democrats, in particular Biden, are too weak to withstand his bullying. Yeah, so Biden will concede in the midst of chaos in what will be his misguided belief of sparing America more turmoil — ala Al Gore! As usual, dumbass Democrats are simply not up to the fight! Ugh! Pathetic! I can see it all already as if in a crystal ball.

Get ready, America, for another four years, f***tards! The country is lost forever. The majority is trapped by the minority, and people are too stupid to do anything about it. “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night” (2 Peter 3:10, KJV). Too late! The thief came four years ago and stole America’s democracy. And astonishingly, no one noticed or even cared! Mark! My! Words! Morons! Welcome to trump stupid America! I give up! No one cares. Nothing matters. I live in stupid hell!