Chauncey DeVega writes in Salon about the Paul Pelosi attack. He ends with the following: “For decades, Republicans, the ‘conservative’ movement and the larger right wing have made no secret of what they intend to do in their revolutionary struggle against America’s multiracial, pluralistic democracy. For the most part, the Democrats, the media, the political class and too many members of the public chose to ignore those threats, or to convince themselves that all this was just ‘hyperbole’ and overheated rhetoric. At this point, ignoring the right’s threats of violence can only be understood as a deliberate choice, or even a surrender. What happened last Friday to Paul Pelosi was entirely predictable, as were the Capitol assault of Jan. 6, the kidnapping plot targeting Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, the violent rampage in Charlottesville in 2017 and the various mass shootings committed by Trumpists, white supremacists, antisemites, conspiracy-theory believers, and other right-wing extremists. We have been warned, repeatedly. Denial is unhealthy at any level: It is damaging to individuals in their personal lives, and has already done such severe damage to our democracy that it is likely past the point of recovery.”
This guy f***ing gets it! He always has. Everything he writes cuts to the bone and leaves no subtlety. He used a phrase that I have coopted lately: Hope-peddlers. He alludes to it in this article though he does not use the term, but the intention is the same. Hope-peddlers, in particular dumbass Democrats, are ignoring — still and always — the real threat that is the RepubliKKKlan Party. This hope-y sh*t goes back to Obama, who until recently seems to have finally come to terms with the fact that he failed to push back harder against RepubliKKKlans years ago. Yet, current dumbass Democrats still seem to be oblivious. Naturally, Biden is the worst street fighter we could possibly ask for, given that MAGA morons et al. literally wish for open revolution.
Christ! I’m f***ing sick of listening to Democrats and other liberal types implore people to vote to save America’s democracy. We are so f***ing beyond voting as the means because no matter the results, RepubliKKKlans will usher in their tyranny. I want to know what Democrats are willing to do when they lose the midterms. What’s the plan? Hope? F*** me! We’re f***ed! Democrats are weak and have no clue about the disaster that is awaiting this country. Oh, well! I’ve been warning you for over a year now, if not longer! Americans don’t want democracy. Welcome to stupid America.