The Oracle of the Hill Has Spoken!

According to CNN, “Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi privately told President Joe Biden in a recent conversation that polling shows that the president cannot defeat Donald Trump and that Biden could destroy Democrats’ chances of winning the House in November if he continues seeking a second term, according to four sources briefed on the call. The president responded by pushing back, telling Pelosi he has seen polls that indicate he can win, one source said. Another one of the sources described Biden as getting defensive about the polls. At one point, Pelosi asked Mike Donilon, Biden’s longtime adviser, to get on the line to talk over the data.”

I have been silent on this issue until now; I had not weighed in immediately after Biden’s debate debacle because, in my mind, his poor performance didn’t matter then and doesn’t matter now because Democrats were always destined to lose. At this point, dumbass Democrats are merely rearranging chairs on the Titanic, and the dumbest segment of the Democratic wing of the party (i.e., uber-progressives getting high on hourly hits hopium) is hell-bent on orchestrating the quintet until the last song in their set before drowning. I expected nothing less, for they have routinely discounted and ignored the polls to their detriment. I guess before I go any further, I must reiterate to my ones and ones of followers that I will vote blue no matter who, but what I’m witnessing now is precisely everything I’ve been predicting for years. Years! But whatever. No one is paying attention. (The only caveat I will other is if Biden drops out and Harris becomes the nominee, then the question becomes this: Does the change at the top of the ticket excite the base and those voters on the margins enough and long enough to outweigh America’s racism and misogyny? Democrats are d*mned if they do and d*mned if they don’t.)

Indeed, listening to the far-left, progressive wing of the Democratic Party has been insufferable at times, namely Stephanie Miller, Dean Obeidallah, Hall Sparks, The Rude Pundit, John Fugelsang, Bob Cesca, et al. The most aggravating argument from these idiots — post-debate disaster — is that Biden remains statically tied in the polls. Are you f***ing kidding me? Traitor trump is barreling toward an election win that will end America’s democracy as we know it, and dumbass Democrats — as usual — are cheerleading Biden being f***ing tied in the polls — at best. (And don’t get me started when third-party candidates are thrown into the mix, which everyone keeps ignoring.) This is right up there with Democrats claiming victory after losing the House by less than they thought in 2022! Un-f***ing-believable! I live in stupid f***ing hell! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore! For all their smarts, these pundits fail to understand the domestic zeitgeist and, more worrisome, the anti-incumbency mood everywhere else in the world. But wait! Biden is tied in the polls! This election boils down to a pro-democracy candidate versus a pro-fascist candidate, and the polls are tied! Kill! Me! Now!

For years, Biden has failed to make the case to the American people for his reelection bid. How f***ing difficult is it to understand this? For the most part, he’s speaking to the choir (of Democrats who are the only ones listening) when he touts his accomplishments and policies, but the 45 percent of the electorate that entails Democrats and Democratic-leaning voters aren’t the ones he needs to convince; it’s the squishy 5-8 percent of genuine swing voters that he has not won over — still! I don’t understand how and why esteemed Democratic political pundits have yet to figure this out. Many have. Yet, those around Biden appear completely oblivious — but then again, I expected nothing less from this sh*t-for-brains Democratic Party. They seem determined to lose. Whatever! All this was predictable and predicted by me, from the return of traitor trump to the weakness of the Democratic Party to the whiplash decision-making of the American populace, who can’t ever row in the same direction for more than 4-8 years. Every presidential election is a reset whereby Americans are never content enough. So right on cue, they want to change the channel back to the traitor trump show because they’re bored and need excitement, but this time f***tards of America will lose their democracy at the same time because no one f***ing cares. Traitor trump has always understood this. He understands that voters and the American people, at large, are nothing more than primetime entertain-me creatures who can be fed a steady stream of bread-and-circus to distract them from his mismanagement of the country as he plays the Pied Piper leading the country right into fascism. Welcome to stupid America! Too stupid to keep its democracy. And the stupid cannot be undone, morons! I’ve warned you. Mark my words! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯