The Presidential Debate: I Nailed It (Of Course)!

I did not watch the debate, as promised, because I knew (everyone should have known) the debate would be nothing but a disaster. Those f***tards who watched believing something could be gained from the exchange really just wanted to see the hot mess cage fight. I can’t wait to see the viewership ratings and opinion polls about who “won” the debate to confirm the magnitude of America’s stupidity. Remember, a tie goes to traitor trump. People just want to see the car crash. It’s the “entertain me!” nation that will destroy us all. On that note, I did pick up on one point being discussed in the MSM, namely, “The Proud Boys, a far-right extremist group, pledged allegiance to President Donald Trump on Tuesday night after he told the group to ‘stand back and stand by’ during the first presidential debate.” I’m tired of saying it but indulge me: Traitor trump and every single one of his MAGA moron supporters and every RepubliKKKlan is a white supremacist! Full! F***ing! Stop! Without exception. Moreover, traitor trump has made being a white supremacist mainstream and this domestic terrorist group is on the rise in popularity. Traitor trump has made hate fashionable. So, all of those f***tard black traitor trump supporters please, by all means, vote for the leader of the white supremacist movement. F***! I can’t anymore! The stupid hurts! Naturally, these same black folk are delusional in their belief that such hatred from white supremacist groups doesn’t apply to “them.” No, they hate the “other” black guy. Whatever! I give up. I can’t anymore this the stupid!

Perhaps the conservative publication, The Bulwark, had the most succinct headline: “The President Is a Sociopath. And 60 Million Americans Like It.” Of course, they do and dare I say far more than 60 million Americans like it. I’m telling all you m*****f***ing G.D. f***tards out there: Trumpism is alive and thriving. Traitor trump is the Everyman of America. He is the mirror, stupid. Mark my words, idiots. How many times must I say it? How many times? America was lost the day the f***tards voted for traitor trump, hoping to shake things up because apparently people were bored with the state of the nation. And by extension, those who did not vote (for Hillary) also ushered in the end of America and the rise of trumpism. The secret traitor trump voters will make this election far closer than any poll or pundit predicts, and it will be enough for traitor trump to steal the election. Mark my words. The stupid cannot be undone.

And then there is the rest of the morons of America who either completely agree with traitor trump’s racism / white supremacist leanings or claim they don’t care or they “don’t see it.” Un-f***ing-believable. Of course, I am sure traitor trump’s performance at the debate will still leave “undecided” voters confused about the person for whom they will vote. Stupid is as stupid is. Undecided voters after last night are just f***ing traitor trump voters. I typically would split the undecided portion of a given presidential poll to gain a better understanding of who leads in the poll — or more accurately if any one person is above the 50 percent threshold since by definition splitting the vote advances both candidates equally, just as a finer point to distinguish. But now, it is clear that the undecided portion in a presidential poll is going 100 percent to traitor trump. There is no way one will witness that debate or, more importantly, witnessed (lived through) the last four years of traitor trump at “work” and not come away thinking four more years of the traitor trump sh*t show is something people want unless they are full-on “-ists” (racist, misogynist, xenophobes, jingoist, homophobes, white supremacist, and every other hater -ist that I did not mention). Without a doubt, MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, every other traitor trump supporter, and those “undecided” voters are all these things! I’m sure people on the fence looked at traitor trump’s debate performance and will conclude in their thinking: At least he’s strong and they like it. Nevermind the substance. It’s all about the show! Without fail, it’s the mirror, stupid! I am confident traitor trump will steal the election and Americans will simply let him! Get ready for four more years. Welcome to trump stupid America! Dumber today than yesterday.