The Racism Card Is Going to Work — Trust Me!

CNN reports, “One-fifth of the way through the 21st century, Donald Trump is seemingly running to be the last President of the Confederacy. Trump’s behavior in recent days has been marked by calls to preserve statues of Confederate generals who took up arms against the United States and defending their memory, even threatening to veto a must-pass defense spending bill to do so. It’s all in character for a politician whose career began with a racist conspiracy against former President Barack Obama and who ran his 2016 campaign as a counter-cultural reaction to the country’s first Black president. Trump has also retreated to racial equivocation when his turbulent presidency ran into trouble.”

Of course, traitor trump’s promotion of racism and hatred is going to work! Mark my words, morons! I have long said the essence of America is racism, misogyny, homophobia, white nationalism, puritanical religiosity, bigotry, et al. What do I mean by essence? Does every person possess these attributes? No. Most people possess at least one or some of these attributes, particularly those who vote and define our politics have many of these! That is the critical difference. If a country is defined by the people it elects — that is the people to whom power is given — then America is clearly the land of racists and the home of white nationalists without a doubt even if it is the minority ruling over the majority. Do not be enchanted by the nation-wide protests; they are a minority compared to the larger (counter) mood of Americans. Mark my words!

How can I make such a claim? Because all my life I have encountered people — friends, close friends (all former at this point), parents of friends, co-workers, acquaintances, the person who cuts my hair — who utter opinions and beliefs that left me speechless and only reinforces my dim view of Americans! They hold beliefs that are falsehoods, bigoted, and racists and even beliefs that are adverse to their core interests. I know gay people who are racists — probably not all that surprising, but I guess the irony is lost on them since homophobia is merely one degree away from racism and all other bigotry more generally; conservative gay people who are against other gay people’s rights; “Libertarian” straight, male friends who think white men should be able to control women’s bodies, and female friends who think other people should be able to control women’s bodies; parents of friends who are outright racist and apparently have no reservations about saying so in my company even though the familiarity with the parent is an acquaintanceship at best. In other words, I suppose the thought process is similar to birds of a feather all in the same room must then mean a racist can assume everyone has the same racist beliefs. I know Latinos that hate other Latinos — that’s very common. I had white friends who love the wall because brown people — got to do something about those brown people! These are but a few recent examples over a lifetime of experiences. The bottom line: there is so much hidden vileness in America that no opinion poll will ever uncover it, and people are more willing to either embrace the vileness of traitor trump or at least “overlook” his hatefulness when they re-elect him in November just as everyone has overlooked his vileness for the last four years.

If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times: traitor trump is the Everyman of America. Americans look in the mirror and see traitor trump, and none of them has tired of gazing at their reflection! Mark! My! Words! Welcome to trump stupid America. It’s all stupid all the time.