The Red Scourge Is Here

Axios reports: “The most restrictive abortion laws in generations are currently spreading across America’s red states, setting up what could be a precedent-smashing Supreme Court challenge to the abortion status quo.” Congratu-f***ing-lations dumbass Democrats of America! This is what happens when a progressive but weak party always wants to play nice with RepubliKKKlans who only want one-party rule. Eventually, they will get it! I can no longer blame RepubliKKKlans for behaving as the vile people they are, but I am blaming dumbass Democrats for being pathetic and feckless against what has been a constant 40-year attack on this nation by RepubliKKKlans. Time after time it has been (and still is) dumbass Democrats rolling over. So, here we are with one state after another lining up to control women’s sexuality. Mostly old white men enact legislation that dictates to women how they should have no control over the consequences of their sexuality. Make no mistake, idiots. These anti-abortion bills are more about controlling women than it is about “preserving” life since many of these states also have the death penalty. To these RepubliKKKlan legislators, the two positions are completely consistent: they both punish the guilty for their actions. Get used to it. Conservatives tell us how we should live our lives. Welcome to stupid America. It’s the “oh-well” nation.