The RepubliKKKlan Dictator with 90%-plus Approval

From CNN, “Trump has instructed aides to speed up the process of building the wall, directing them to rush through billions of dollars’ worth of construction contracts, blow past environmental regulations and to ‘take the land’ necessary by eminent domain, the Post reported Tuesday. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll pardon you,’ Trump has told officials during meetings at the White House about the wall when aides raised that some of those orders would be illegal, according to the Post. An unnamed White House official told the newspaper that the President is merely joking when he makes such statements about pardons.” One would think this revelation sends RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and TEA party idiots (especially) scrambling for their guns to take up arms against dictator traitor trump who literally instructed the government to take their land — land! that oh so precious and uniquely America possession that stokes the ire of RepubliKKKLans and American uber-“patriot” nutjobs (e.g., the Bundy KKKLan) every time they feel the government is encroaching on their private property or their illegal private use of public property. One would think this blatant attack on ownership, liberty, and individual rights would cause outrage across the conservative ranks. But, of course, none of this will happen because RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and TEA partiers are all f***ing hypocrites who just don’t care when a white man does “it” (whatever that it may be) to them. Nonetheless, when Obama never threatened to do anything like what traitor trump has “hereby ordered” they wanted to lynch him — literally! This is what a trump stupid country looks like.

How does one combat this level of stupidity and hatred? This is why I keep saying America is already lost because apparently one only needs a minority of moronic haters (to vote) and a majority of apathetic citizens (to do nothing) to engender a hostile takeover of the country. No one cares. It’s just more white noise in the background of social media madness and superficial selfies because that is what’s important in the world — Pete Davidson was oddly correct! Welcome to stupid America! Dumber today than it was yesterday and still dumber than the day before that!