The Riots Are Going to Sink Democrat’s Chances

Reporting from CNN, “Unrest in Wisconsin following the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha has quickly turned into a political flashpoint in one of the nation’s most important swing states. President Donald Trump and the GOP are using this week’s Republican National Convention to shine a spotlight on violence and property damage that has resulted from some of the protests over racial injustice and police brutality this summer — as fires have raged in Kenosha on consecutive nights. The way voters in Wisconsin interpret Blake’s shooting and its aftermath could be central to November’s outcome in a state Trump won by fewer than 23,000 votes in 2016. Trump was the first Republican to carry Kenosha County in 44 years.” I am sensing that all these protests and riots across America are wearing thin with voters, especially those “independent” voters, to the extent such a group exists. This becomes an opportunity for the traitor trump administration to appeal to the lizard brain (amygdala) of MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil Evangelicals, and any other would-be traitor trump supporters — that silent majority, which does exist! Because fear works and his repeated “law and order” mantra is going to work. Mark my words, morons. It will work because people are f***tards.

I recently started re-reading a textbook on critical thinking from a critical thinking course I took in college years ago. I thought it a good idea to brush up on this skill. In short, the book teaches how people should evaluate claims, and in the first couple of chapters, I see already how Americans do not think, let alone think critically. Shocking! I know! I bring this up because this entire law and order angle from traitor trump and voters’ subsequent acceptance of it is a prime example of an electorate that doesn’t think. Like everything with traitor trump, his followers just accept whatever he says without question. Perhaps what is most infuriating is how traitor trump claims the law and order mantel while protests, riots, and general unrest are all happening under his watch. They have been going on for months and have spread across the country under his watch. Where exactly is this law and order of his? As usual, his supporters never hold him accountable for what has or is happening across the country now, but they trust him to fix things in the future — nevermind all the time he’s had over the last four years to secure law and order.

In traitor trump’s inauguration speech be said the “American carnage” stops now! Are you f***ing kidding me? It has been nothing but American carnage for the last four years, yet people still think he is the law and order president. This American carnage is traitor trump’s America! I can’t anymore. I! Just! Fucking! Can’t! This country really is just too f***ing stupid to survive! F*** me! I’m over it. Just let it all burn down at this point! America needs to start over, preferably with a smarter citizenry. Not to mention, traitor trump has not (will never) address the root causes of these protests and unrest — police violence against black and brown people. Traitor trump wants violence and disorder because it helps his re-election chances. And it’s going to work, f***tards. Mark my words! Watch the polls start to shift toward traitor trump, especially on this law and order issue. People will look around at the protests, riots, and general unrest and conclude, “Yeah, traitor trump is my guy!” Yet, he is the law and order president! I can’t with the incomprehensible stupidity of Americans! Eh, but none of this matters because it’s all still Obama’s fault and probably Hillary’s fault too from that time when she was president. MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans will believe him because I live in trump stupid America hell! Mark my words, idiots. Get ready for four more years! Double mark my words, morons! It’s going to happen. I give up!