The Special Master Paradox

I am trying to figure out what happened with traitor trump’s hand-picked special master. What’s the angle? He doesn’t seem willing to play by traitor trump’s rules. Was this a misstep on traitor trump’s part or intentional? Then I read this from a Politico article: “‘I can’t allow litigation strategy to dictate the outcome of my recommendations to Judge Cannon,’ Dearie said [emphasis added].” That’s when it hit me! I was reminded that really whatever Judge Dearie does (or does not do) is immaterial. Eventually, whatever he rules goes back to the traitor trump sycophant Judge Cannon as a “recommendation.”

Now, I’ve read and heard many suggest that Cannon had always wanted to shift decision-making on this hot topic case to someone else, which is why she granted a special master. But if that were the case — if she did not want to get her hands “dirty” with a judgment against traitor trump — then she could have just as easily ruled that she has no jurisdiction over this “documents” matter, yet she did not recuse. She rushed it. In fact, she hinted at acquiescing to traitor trump before all the legal arguments had been made. The special master request and her appointment thereof was just a delay tactic, especially one to push the matter past the midterm elections. And, oh, please! Spare me that these unqualified traitor trump-appointed judges are smart enough, calculating enough, and understand the law well enough to triangulate their legal and political machinations. So, special master or not, Cannon is still the firewall to help traitor trump delay and obfuscate the law; she’s already ignored the law when it comes to all of her other opinions. She’s just there for the veneer of due process. In the end, it does not matter what Dearie decides, for Cannon can simply ignore him and rule in traitor trump’s favor, which is to return all classified documents back to the orange traitor, thereby stopping the D.O.J. investigation. I’m ignoring any appeals for the moment because I think we all know how SCOTUS will rule as they have an affinity for upholding the ideal of an imperial presidency (by RepubliKKKlans only, that is). Therein lies the catch. Welcome to stupid America!