The Stars and Stripes

Slate reports, “President Donald Trump came out in favor of a fresh effort to challenge long-held precedent by the Supreme Court that would ban the burning of the American Flag. ‘All in for Senator Steve Daines as he proposes an Amendment for a strong BAN on burning our American Flag. A no brainer!’ Trump wrote Saturday morning on Twitter.” It’s the good old uber-patriotic RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron issue of flag burning! I love this issue because it highlights the utter trump stupidity and hypocrisy of these “patriotic” Americans.

I begin by recalling a conversation I had with a conservative friend about this very subject. His argument was that flag burning is disrespectful. To which I replied that flag burning is actually an approved way of disposing of a flag, assuming a conservative mind possesses only the typical “all or nothing” means of rationalization. Of course, the subtleties of disposing of a flag by burning it is lost on most RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons. I also assume these idiots think that casually throwing a tattered American flag in the f***ing garbage is acceptable. It’s not — ever!

Then I steered the conversation to these “uber-patriotic” individuals who think they are respecting the flag by wearing it as an article of clothing; that somehow wearing shorts patterned like the American flag is not disrespecting it when a fat-ass sits down at the picnic bench ready to devour that all-American hot dog while dripping mustard onto his or her American flag-patterned shirt! Un-f***ing-believable. Somehow sitting on the flag or soiling it is not unpatriotic. Hello, f***ing trump stupid people! One should never wear the flag as an article of f***ing clothing! And to my mind even wearing its likeness is disrespectful. Never wear it as something you will sit on, sweat in, soil, or any other action in which the flag is disrespected! The flag belongs on a pole or hanging or draped or displayed! Nothing else! Moreover, never display a flag that is frayed or torn! Naturally, when I pointed this out to my friend his reply was along the lines of ignorance. Of course, it was. In so many words, he said he would not expect others (the average “patriot”) — like himself — to realize that wearing the flag was disrespectful, but then again that is the entire mindset of RepiubliKKKlans and MAGA morons: an inability to think! It never occurred to him that sitting on the flag in the form of someone’s shorts, underwear, or bathing suit was disrespectful. How trump stupid can one be? I see! So burning the flag as the ultimate expression of one’s First Amendment right (whether one agrees with it or not) is heresy, but sitting or farting while wearing American-patterned shorts is acceptable because it’s not obviously wrong! But it is obvious — very obvious!

This is why America is so m*****f***ing G.D. stupid! Time after time the ultra-conservative idiot “patriots” insist on calling everyone else “less” patriotic while they clearly have no f***ing G.D. clue what constitutes patriotism. Personally, I am not in favor of burning the flag except when properly disposing of it. It is simply something I would never do, but if others choose to express their First Amendment right by burning the flag then they are free to do so. I will shake my head; however, at least I understand the flag is a symbol of freedom by which people are allowed to burn it (even out of spite). It is a level of intellectual sophistication lost on every RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron because this is 42% trump stupid America!