
The Christian Theocracy Has Begun

Reporting from Politico, “Oklahoma Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt said the advisory opinion ‘rightfully defends parents, education freedom, and religious liberty in Oklahoma.’ Newly-elected state Superintendent Ryan Walters called it ‘the right decision for Oklahomans.’ Now it’s time to see if faith-based Oklahoma institutions successfully apply for taxpayer support to create charter schools that teach religion as a doctrinal truth just like private schools do today, and if legislators will push to change state law. Legal authorities in other Republican-led states could also pen similar opinions. ‘The policy implications are huge because this is the first state that is going to allow religious charter schools,’ said Nicole Stelle Garnett, a University of Notre Dame law professor and influential religious charter school supporter who wants other states to follow Oklahoma’s lead. ‘The legal implications are huge because this is the first state that says that they have to,’ she said in an interview.”

You can thank SCOTUS (and yourself) for this. This is what happens when people decided to try out a reality show “star” as president. This is the logical conclusion of recent legal opinions on the separation of church and state — they don’t believe there should be any. Taxpayer dollars will be used to indoctrinate people with religious hatred. Fan-fucking-tastic! There is absolutely no turning back from this, and there is not a single fucking thing taxpayers can do who don’t want their tax dollars to fund such institutions. As the country becomes less religious and demands a more secular government, SCOTUS has enshrined the very definition of combining church and state. Whatever! This is what people voted for, like it or not. This is what fucktards of America wanted because dumbass Democrats never took Supreme Court Justices seriously, so they never imparted the same urgency and concern unto Democratic voters until it was too late. Oh, well. I’ve been saying for years that SCOTUS will end democracy and replace it with a theocracy. What better place to begin than with young impressionable minds? Welcome to stupid America. It’s only going to get dumber. You’ve been warned, but no one cares!