
The Traitor [T]rump Abortion Ban: Let Them Die!

Mika Brzezinski from Morning Joe, airing on MSNBC, has been doing daily segments highlighting the consequences of traitor trump’s abortion ban on women’s health in various states. (As an aside, I still haven’t forgiven Mika for her Hillary-bashing during the 2016 election.) In her special segments, she reports on the health impacts on pregnant women, ranging from sterilization to death, from states’ explicit abortion prohibitions or vague statutes that often leave doctors erring on the side of caution by delaying life-saving treatment until — in many cases — it’s too late for fear of breaking criminal law. ProPublica has been reporting on similar abortion stories, all in an effort to build awareness. Of course, this is all too little, too late, because awareness should have been stoked during the 2016 presidential election, yet it was not. This will come as no surprise to anyone who has been following my posts, but I welcome these tragic stories and the death of women, not because I’m a misogynist or cruel, but because this is the reality that this sh*t-for-brains country wanted. And, again, as I have so often said, people get the government they deserve and desire. Moreover, people should live with the consequences of their votes or actions. (I find it insufferably annoying that these abortion stories never report a woman’s political perspective or, more importantly, who they voted for to be President, Senator, or Representative. Elections matter, f***tards! If they voted for traitor trump, then why the f*** are they telling their story of woe? What they’re going through is precisely what they voted for. Full stop!)

As usual and right on cue, morons of America are surprised about the fallout from overturning Roe as if women dying is some unusual and unforeseen consequence of allowing the state to determine women’s medical care. What could possibly go wrong? Well … everything that is being reported in the news! This is a direct result of America simply being too f***ing G.D. stupid to comprehend … anything. And this goes for some Democrats as well, who thought RepubliKKKlan justices would never overturn Roe (But stare decisis! Christ! Kill me now!), nor would RepubliKKKlan politicians ever allow Roe to be compromised. All stupid, all the time. Ending abortion has been a 50-year crusade, and Democrats are surprised RepubliKKKlans jumped on the chance when they did; and people are surprised that women have been thrown back to a point in time before Roe, which is a distant memory for some and a completely new reality for most. It is this new reality that most interests me. It is no surprise to me the suffering befalling women; but, apparently, most women have been completely caught off guard. Yet, many (most) still don’t care. So, let them die. Oh, well, I say. When enough women die and when enough people have been impacted (i.e., parents, husbands, siblings), and when women take to the streets to demand equal justice under the law (Where are the regular “march for our lives” protests? Nowhere!), then maybe, just maybe something will change. But until that time, women will continue to suffer and die while everyone else shrugs.

And let me say something more. Women needing an abortion should not be allowed to travel to another (blue) state to get the procedure. F*** that! These women in red states need to fix their sh*tty state first instead of running off to a blue state to be free. I’m getting a little sick of residents in red states coming to blue states to get their equality while people in blue states have to collectively suffer from the decisions of those RepubliKKKlan politicians that red states send to Congress.

Oh, and another thing. I am so f***ing sick of people thinking every pregnancy is some miracle of perfection, that every fetus is viable, and that nature always produces optimal results. A misdeveloped fetus is no different than those funky-looking vegetables you might see at the grocery store or those other anomalies you might find in the wild: a lamb with a fifth leg, a snake with two heads, or Siamese twins. While these are examples of viable variations, imagine all the unviable instances. Am I being callous to equate fetus abnormalities to freaks of nature? No! It’s just a fact of life. I think people expect too much from modern medicine and technology. Everyone always thinks everything is fixable. Well, genetic problems in the fetus rarely are. A fetus where the organs develop outside of the abdominal cavity or where the head lacks a fully formed skull or where the fetus lacks limbs, as examples, are probabilistic errors in nature. Nothing more, nothing less. We’d be a lot better off if people understood that fetal abnormalities are merely a part of life (nature). Not every union of a sperm and ova produces a successful zygote. People should know that there is a good chance that a pregnancy may not come to fruition and stop being all upset, torn up, or overly protective of a fetus that may not develop correctly. It’s just nature taking its course. It’s no one’s fault. Accept it and move on; try again. Christ! Get a f***ing grip, people! Nature is imperfect, fatally so in many cases! Call it God’s will if you must!