The Traitor [T]rump Godfather Show

From The Hill, “The book [This Will Not Pass], obtained by The Hill prior to its release on Tuesday, depicts Trump as a mafia don, demanding loyalty from supplicants and political opponents alike, by turns using the largest bully pulpit in the world to beat them into submission and cajoling them in private to offer support. When Trump called California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) to discuss a cruise ship moored in San Francisco Bay, on which passengers were sick with the coronavirus, Trump agreed to allow the ship to dock so passengers could be treated. Trump said he would be watching, for ‘the reciprocity,’ according to the book. … On a visit to the White House early in the pandemic, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) was taken aback when Trump showed him a room adjoining the Oval Office crammed with MAGA gear. ‘They literally hand you a shopping bag, and you took anything you’d like,’ Murphy recalled to the authors.”

It has been a while since I’ve written exclusively about traitor trump. This book provides an excellent opportunity. Of course, it is just a reminder that the traitor trump presidency was nothing more than a blended version of The Godfather 3 and his sh*tty reality T.V. show. Traitor trump ran the government as some elaborate mafia organization where he extorted, stole, and reigned over the country. Naturally, his position as president was never about the people or making America “great again,” except to make it awesome to be a racist, bigot, homophobe, misogynist, conspiracy kook, and white nationalist again. His time in office was always about him playing president, holding rallies, and advertising for his (now destroyed) brand. In the process, he ruined America, and half the country loves him for it because — wait for it, wait for it — welcome to stupid America!