The Traitor [T]rump Shadow Presidency Intensifies

According to HuffPost, “The White House was quick to set the record straight on Thursday after former President Donald Trump claimed he had sent an ‘envoy ambassador’ to the Kosovo-Serbia border. ‘Outside of his very active imagination, Donald Trump is no longer president and doesn’t have any “envoy ambassadors” representing the United States,’ a White House official told reporters. Trump released a statement earlier claiming his’ envoy ambassador’ Richard Grenell, a former ambassador and staunch ally, had visited the countries Thursday to highlight an economic normalization agreement his administration brokered in 2020. It’s not the first time Trump or his allies have acted as though he is running some kind of shadow presidency. His ongoing denial and delusions over his 2020 election loss have extended to the point where he has reportedly continued to hold ‘Cabinet’ meetings, though it’s unclear who has participated in them.”

Of course, Democrats ignore and mock this at their own peril. I don’t know how many times I have to repeat myself, but people are f***ing morons. They are rarely able to discern fact from fiction, particularly RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and the like. I said this from the start of Biden’s presidency: Traitor trump is not going anywhere, least of all jail, and, in fact, he will conduct a shadow presidency specifically intended to hurt and delegitimize Biden. And right on cue, the shadow presidency and ongoing insurrection continue while Biden and his entire administration — especially his DOJ — conduct itself as business as usual. You know! There is a reason why so many f***tards believe traitor trump is still president, and it has far less to do with a collective mass delusional electorate. It’s the optics; it always has been. That’s how traitor trump became president in the first and how he continues the charade to this day. All these micro-actions collect and build up traitor trump and diminish Biden. Dumbass Democrats — and progressives more generally — just let it happen. They need to hobble traitor trump, but they are too weak to take the necessary, ruthless actions to keep him in check. For starters, the FBI and CIA should be all over this Grenell trip. They should track his every move and make him feel that they are watching him very, very closely. What are the consequences of ignoring the insurrectionist-in-chief? Virginia! Oh, well. I am just beginning to resign myself to the final days of democracy because Democrats are worthless. Welcome to stupid America! I can’t wait for the traitor trump embassy to open in Kosovo.