A Country of Really Stupid People: The U.S.A.

A quote from Axios, “In a stunning escalation, the Justice Department wants the courts to strike down the entire Affordable Care Act–not just its protections for people with pre-existing conditions. … Health care–specifically pre-existing conditions [emphasis in original]–was overwhelmingly a winning issue for Democrats in 2018.” This must be part of traitor trump “is getting stuff done” that MAGA morons talk about when they defend his presidency. Why should I be surprised by a country that basically has Scheiße for brains? Poll after poll has indicated that people want pre-existing conditions protected, yet people — mind-numbingly — hate “Obamacare” but love the ACA — they are the same f***ing thing! Yet here we are in stupid f***ing America where the minority terrorizes the majority. Stupid people voted for traitor trump, and now they are going to wonder why traitor trump is advocating the ACA be repealed without a replacement. This country is so f***ing stupid! I can’t anymore. I just can’t. More daily proof that traitor trump, RepubliKKKlans, and MAGA morons hate the common person (e.g., people with pre-existing conditions, farmers, Puerto Ricans, or just read this brilliant article in The Atlantic) because they keep voting them into office! Stupid people everywhere. Everywhere stupid people.