The U.S., Brazil, Russia, and U.K.

Source: Worldometers

What do all these countries have in common? They are lead by either dictator virus deniers (Brazil and Russia) or an idiot virus denier (U.K.) or an idiot dictator virus denier (U.S.). So, welcome to stupid humanity. Only within the humanity of abject stupidity do citizens knowingly and willingly elect moronic strongmen, populists who care about nothing more than to destroy the system in which they function and kill the lesser people over whom they rule. Full stop! These dictators come to power and remain in power by demanding the minority that elected into office be allowed to eradicate the majority, and when a pandemic comes along that facilitates such beliefs then people wonder what went wrong? Un-f***ing-believable. None of this matters because I live in m*****f***ing G.D. stupid humanity hell. People just don’t care! Mark my words, morons! If anything, just enough of human vileness exists that truly believes all the right people are dying with this virus and citizens will re-elect them because if the morons of these countries couldn’t figure out the type of hateful, incompetent leaders they elected to office in the first place then they will never see it now. F***! How many times has Putin been re-elected? Humanity gets the government they deserve, and apparently people love stupid!