‘The U.S. military: Attacked by Trump, voting for Trump’

From Salon, “What is perhaps even more stunning is that Trump’s transgressions didn’t even cut into his support among the U.S. men and women in uniform and veterans. In 2016, current and former service personnel preferred Trump over Hillary Clinton by a 2-to-1 margin. This represents a very curious form of ‘beaten man syndrome.’ Since becoming president, Trump has been more consistent, but in a different manner than political observers expected. Trump didn’t stop his attacks on the U.S. military. He just became more insidious in his attacks on the military. A transgender ban set one group of soldiers against another, and the share of African-Americans among new recruits has been declining in recent years. Honor is a crucial concept for any soldier. The motto Death Before Dishonor is what makes them put their lives on the line.”

None of this matters because this is trump stupid America! America’s unconditional reverence for the military is for idiots. Let’s be very, very clear: the highest concentration of traitor trump authoritarian sycophants is in the military. He is precisely the dictator leadership about which the military organizes. “Death Before Dishonor” is laughable! They dishonor themselves by being seen with the traitor!