
The West Does Nothing on Ukraine, as Usual!

According to USA Today, “A wave of Russian missiles and drones hit Kyiv and other cities across Ukraine on Thursday, in what appears to be one of the biggest attacks on Ukraine this year. … Zelenskyy described the latest Russian missile and drone attack on Ukraine as ‘a difficult night.’ … Russia launched 81 missiles and eight exploding Shahed drones, Ukraine military officials said. Thirty-four cruise missiles and four drones were intercepted, they said.”

While the idiot MSM media is covering Russia’s barbarity and apparent show of desperation over this latest attack, which are valid reporting angles, I am far more concerned about the number of missiles that were intercepted. Ukraine thwarted less than half of the projectiles. Is it just me, or does this percentage of blocked incoming seem much lower than usual? Typically, Ukraine can knock out well over half of what Russia throws at them, but that was not the case in this instance. The reason? Because the West is failing Ukraine, left, right, and center. I know you keep hearing about a unified West and its commitment to helping Ukraine. But the West’s help is limited to ensuring Ukraine cannot win! You keep hearing about Russia’s war of attrition against Ukraine. I argue another player contributes to the war of attrition against Ukraine: The West!

How many f***ing times must I say it? How many f***ing times? The West seems intent on doing just enough to help Ukraine stop Russia, not defeat Russia. Ukraine has told NATO what it needs to win the war, and NATO says, “We think not.” Un-f***ing-believable! The Allied nations have been incrementally spoon-feeding Ukraine military help only when it’s too late — and only after sufficient begging — because they fear “escalating” the war. Never mind that Russia escalated the war when it decided to invade the rest of Ukraine. As usual, the West shows complete weakness. It’s as if they really don’t want Ukraine to win; they just want Russia to stop fighting. It’s unclear whether the West truly wants Russia to exit Ukraine if and when the fighting stops. This is why democracies are dying, and autocracies are ascending worldwide. Democracies have given up the fight. It’s the classic bringing a knife to a gunfight. Oh, well. We never learn. Do we?