
The World Is Coming for the Gay, Morons!

Look, f***tards! I don’t know how much more screaming into the ether I can do before people start waking up, but then again, I am blogging to humanity at large, which is pretty stupid, so I should not expect much. To what am I referring? Russia and Israel. According to The New York Times, “Now Russia’s Parliament is set to pass a legislative package that would ban all ‘gay propaganda,’ signaling an even more difficult period ahead for a stigmatized segment of society. The laws would prohibit representation of LGBTQ relationships in any media — streaming services, social platforms, books, music, posters, billboards and films — and, activists fear, in any public space as well. That’s a daunting prospect for queer people searching for community, validation or an audience.” In short and to the point, Russia is about to ban being gay in the country. Full stop! There is no other interpretation, nor any more commentary required.

Then we come to Israel, which was once a bastion of liberalism in the world, but that is all about to change, and, of course, the LGBTQ community is in the crosshairs. As Haaretz reports, “Officials in Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party’s plan to negotiate a coalition agreement with the anti-LGBTQ Noam faction of Religious Zionism with the aim of bringing Noam into the new government coalition – potentially walking back recent civil rights gains such as a ban on conversion therapy.” Like Russia and China and soon to be the U.S.A., these governments are turning ever-more harder right and faster, which puts the gays at greater risk. Israel lurching further conservative and colluding with anti-gay political parties seems particularly galling because one would think that a nation literally founded on the notion of protecting a minority class of people would be attuned to the hypocrisy of signaling out the LGBTQ community for harassment and derision.

But whatever! I expected nothing less from stupid humanity, and as I have repeatedly been saying for years now, the gays need to f***ing wake up and start arming up because the world is coming for our rights. Can’t you see that? We’ve progressed too far. We’ve gained too much freedom. We are too accepted by too many. And now the far-right hating communities worldwide are going to put an end to that. Do not think for one G.D. millisecond that there are any straight alleys willing to stand up for our rights because they will not. People will slowly get comfortable with the notion of a minority group being purged so long as it’s not they, just like the good Germans of Nazi Germany felt sorry for the Jews, and that’s about all they did. The end is coming, f***tards, for the gays. You should be afraid. Very afraid. Mark my words. It won’t be today or tomorrow or next month or next year, but it will be in the next few years. And guess what? No one cares! Welcome to stupid America. You’re next!