
The World Is Waiting for U.S. Morons to Vote!

According to The Hill, “House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Wednesday morning defended his comment that House Republicans would put more scrutiny on aid to Ukraine if they have a majority next year. ‘I think Ukraine is very important. I support making sure that we move forward to defeat Russia in that program. But there should be no blank check on anything. We are $31 trillion in debt,’ McCarthy said on CNBC.”

Joe McCarthy’s position says it all. His comment encapsulates everything you need to know about the significance of America’s midterm elections and the world. I am not being hyperbolic. And God help us, for the future of the freedom-loving world rests on the average American f***tarded voter. Idiot voters, I guess rightly or wrongly — mostly wrongly — take a highly myopic view of the world — usually no further than their noses. But being an America should — must — require a citizenry invested in democracy at home and everywhere (e.g., Ukraine and Taiwan). Instead, we have an electorate that thinks freedom starts and stops with local gas prices and those politicians “responsible” for inflation as if the current worldwide inflation phenomena is a political problem brought about by Democrats and to be fixed by RepubliKKKlans. But that’s what happens when a stupid electorate does not understand economics; we are reduced to voters pointing fingers at the wrong people and misapprehending how the economy works, and they vote drawing upon this poor understanding. Get ready for people to vote according to their wallets at the expense of America’s democracy. Yes, the inflation is rough. I get it. But voting in a divided government is not going to fix the issue; it’s only going to may our democracy weaker because RepubliKKKlans intend to make problems worse so that they have a better chance to win the presidency in 2024. This is how RepubliKKKlans regain power. When they do, the world will suffer, not just America. But, whatever! Welcome to stupid America!