The ‘Yang Gang’

From an article entitled “The Pull of Andrew Yang’s Pessimism” in The Atlantic, “Yang thinks he’s tapped into a new strain of politics. He insists he’s not a fatalist or a nihilist. He figures himself to be an optimist, just one who sees how terrible things are and how much worse they can get, and he believes that the only way to get to the light is to acknowledge the darkness.” The title caught my eye and I thought the quote was poignant. (Plus the Yang Gang moniker is catchy.) Although I’m not following Yang because I’m not going to waste my time on someone who has no chance of winning, I do think his pessimism is the exact tone Democrats should be taking. I’m sorry, but fear works! It works with traitor trump and his cult. It got him elected as people fear the “other.” It is long past time that Democrats start tapping into the fear of another four years of a RepubliKKKlan dictatorship: unaffordable and discriminating health care, runaway climate change, the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, a bankrupt government, legalized discrimination against women, minorities, and LGBTQ, and so forth.

Instead, we keep getting these weak Democratic candidates that talk about hope and optimism as if the current state of affairs is some sort of obstacle that can be overcome in the next election. Hell f***ing no! This is a f***ing five-alarm emergency! This is time to hit the f***ing G.D. panic button! If dumbass Democrats continue to go around believing that traitor trump is merely an aberration that can be reversed with the next Democratic president then we really are f***ing doomed! As I have said a hundred times before dumbass Democrats do not understand the essence of America! For if they did then they would be running around with their hair on fire exciting the base! But no! Instead, we get Biden telling us that RepubliKKKlans are good people, and sadly he is our best chance of winning. Instead, we have a Speaker of the House too afraid to impeach because it will divide the country — is she f***ing kidding? Divide the country? That’s what Pelosi fears? Un-f***ing-believable! Christ! At this point, there is absolutely no reason to be anything other than pessimistic because the idiots in the country still think the disasters spreading across the world are tractable. Welcome to m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America! It is exactly the mess one expected it to be!