
Theocracy Is Coming to the U.S.A., F***tards!

And Americans are too stupid to stop it! From an excellent article in The Texas Tribune, “Emboldened by recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions and the growing acceptance of Christian nationalism on the right, Barton and other conservative Christians could see monumental victories in the Texas Legislature this year. … In Texas, they believe they can create a national model for infusing Christianity into the public sphere. … It’s the latest battle in what Barton and other Christian leaders have framed as a long-running and existential war with the secular world, rhetoric that has helped fuel Republican movements to crack down on LGBTQ rights, ban books, push back against gun control and limit the teaching of American history in classrooms, among other oft-framed ‘culture war’ issues. And it comes amid growing acceptance on the right of Christian nationalism, the belief that the United States’ founding was ordained by God and, thus, its laws and institutions should favor Christians. … February polling from the Public Religion Research Institute found that more than half of Republicans adhere to or sympathize with pillars of Christian nationalism, including beliefs that the U.S. should be a strictly Christian nation. Of those respondents, PRRI found, roughly half supported having an authoritarian leader who maintains Christian dominance in society. Experts have also found strong correlations between Christian nationalist beliefs and opposition to immigration, racial justice and religious diversity [emphasis added].”

And, of course, all of this is being done with the knowledge that all these laws will have the blessing of SCOTUS to discriminate and push Christian nationalism. And guess what? No one f***ing cares! As with everything in stupid America, we are stumbling into a version of America most people don’t want but are too apathetic to do anything about the coming theocracy because voting is hard, and people can’t let their favorite streaming shows be interrupted by performing a civic duty. I’ve been saying it for years now: The only thing that matters is SCOTUS, and the only people who understand this are RepubliKKKlans. Yet, it’s too late, f***tards. Dumbass Democrats seem to care now, but they can’t do anything, for this iteration of SCOTUS — with a supermajority of Christian nationalists — will be with us for ten more years, all the while permitting opinions that strengthen white Christian nationalism above all. People have no idea — because they are simply too f***ing G.D. stupid to imagine — the amount of irreparable damage SCOTUS will do in the next decade. But I can imagine a great deal, and I already have years ago (see Catastrophic). Yet, citizens seem to be oblivious. Oh, well. People get the government they deserve and desire. The end is coming, but American theocracy is just getting started. Mark my words! Welcome to stupid America!