There Is No Such Thing as a ‘Hard Landing’ for a Helicopter

From Reuters, “Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, a hardliner seen as a potential successor to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, was killed after his helicopter crashed in poor weather in mountains near the Azerbaijan border, officials and state media said on Monday. … The crash comes at a time of growing dissent within Iran over an array of political, social and economic crises. Iran’s clerical rulers face international pressure over Tehran’s disputed nuclear programme and its deepening military ties with Russia during the war in Ukraine.”

Unfortunately, I’ve been too lazy to post regularly, which means what would have been easy predictions — or, more precisely, reading between the lines of idiot MSM reporters — have gone unfulfilled, i.e., there is no such thing as a helicopter making a “hard landing.” To print those words, even if they are being quoted, makes the author look like a f***ing moron. A helicopter either lands or crashes; there is no in-between. But whatever. Semantics is not actually the purpose of this post. It’s just a segway into my next prediction: Iran is about to turn even harder right.

Right on cue, MSM f***tard pundits are both sides-ing the fallout of the untimely death of the Iranian president. On the one hand, they speculate that because there is so much division in the country, the Iranian people will rise up to elect a more moderate president. Raisi led the country into continued economic instability and further suppressed citizens through harsher, more rigid enforcement of Islamic law. On the other hand, these same pundits surmise perhaps nothing will change; Iranians will replace Raisi with another hardliner. Wow! Thanks for such insightful “analysis,” you idiot analysts. Even I can provide such trenchant predictions: Either things will change or they won’t. This is why I have become more frustrated by MSM commentators. They cover all sides, and their perspectives are relatively worthless. Instead of using their knowledge and “wisdom” to at least provide a more-likely-than-not prediction, they settle on “we’ll see.”

Allow me to make a firm, unflinching prediction about what happens next in Iran: The people, in all their infinite wisdom, will — what for it, what for it — elect another, if not more, hardline president. Full stop! Whatever happened to that women’s revolution over wearing headscarves? That fizzled, as I knew it would. The movement failed because people didn’t want change. Not to mention that Iran already tried a “moderate” president — by comparison — in Hassan Rouhani. How did that work out? Oh, yeah. The people went hard right again by electing Raisi because, of course! It never f***ing fails. I have no idea what it is about the defect in humanity that refuses to progress. It’s one step forward, one step back. I have no doubt that Iranians will continue to take one step back by replacing this dead hardline president with another because I expected nothing less from a world filled with morons who have just given up caring and their personal freedoms. As long as people don’t have to think, I guess that is the course of action they will choose when selecting the government they desire. This is not just an Iranian phenomenon. This is a worldwide problem that is manifesting itself everywhere, from the U.S. to South America to Africa to Europe. Get ready, f***tards! Fascism, authoritarianism, and theocracy are taking hold in the world, squeezing the life out of liberal democracies. And no one cares! Welcome to stupid humanity.