These People!

Souce: The Hill

These people! And I mean that as a pejorative, not against transgender people, but against minorities who are RepubliKKKlan that like to think everything the RepubliKKKlan Party hates about “others” somehow does not apply to themselves. I watched the Caitlyn Jenner interview with Dana Bash on CNN because I give everyone a fair shot, even traitor trump’s descending the escalator speech — only took that first speech to figure out where he was headed with his candidacy and the country more generally. As with Jenner, it was the same ole, same ole RepubliKKKlan split-the-baby B.S. garbage. Namely, she is fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Hello, f***tard! In the RepubliKKKlan Party, there is no such thing. The party is filled, dominated, and lead by people who are fiscally and socially conservative. There is definitely no room for a transgender person. Does she not get that? Does she really think that she’ll be welcomed into the “big” tent party by the likes of penis-loving Pence or Ted Cruz or Pat Robertson or the Family Research Council? The entire traitor trump administration was a four-year assault on transgender people, pointedly! When is she going to realize that people like her are abhorred by the majority of people (leadership and voters) in her own party? It is exactly these people who continue to give legitimacy to the RepubliKKKlan Party as being “inclusive” when in fact they hate you! Wake! The! F***! Up!

Then, to boot. She is a liar! Did I expect anything less from a RepubliKKKlan? As usual, she is a RepubliKKKlan too stupid to understand that when she votes there is a record — not a record of how you voted but that you did. As Politico reported, “Republican gubernatorial candidate Caitlyn Jenner told CNN this week that she never voted for president in the November 2020 election and opted to golf instead because she ‘couldn’t get excited’ about the dozen measures on the California ballot. For someone seeking support in the upcoming recall, it was a head-turning statement. Then came the head-scratcher: Los Angeles County records show she actually did cast a ballot last fall.” Yeah, so she lied — blatantly. Why? Obviously to hide answering the question. There is no doubt she voted for traitor trump; she voted for him in 2016, and there is no reason to think anything would have changed her mind because as I have just said: These people think they are exempt from RepubliKKKlan hatred. All those anti-trans bills that have been flooding states and the policies engendered by the previous administration apparently do not apply to her. F*** everyone else! As long as it’s not she and as long as she gets her tax cuts then she’s voting RepubliKKKlan. It’s always the same mentality for every RepubliKKKlan. F*** you. I got mine! Unless, of course, you’re doing something in your bedroom that RepubliKKKlans don’t like then they do care all of a sudden.

And I can already hear the push back! Oh, the LGBTQ community is not monolithic. Individuals have other issues they vote on besides their identity. To that I say, wrong! For any LGBTQ individual, there should be absolutely nothing else on which to base one’s vote other than identity. I’m sorry, but I don’t care what the political party. No one should ever vote for a party that actively seeks to limit, degrade, or remove altogether one’s right to exist and be happy! And anti-LGBTQ sentiments are not the exception to RepubliKKKlans’ beliefs. If they had their way, no member of the LGBTQ community would have any rights. No right to not be discriminated against for medical treatment, marriage, housing, service, loans, whatever it may be. Full! F***ing! Stop! And all these people who think otherwise are just morons, without exception. They are the essences of self-hating and selfish vileness because even though one may not be personally impacted by RepubliKKKlan hate policies, there are certainly others in the community who are — every minute of every day!