They’re Coming for the Gays!

According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, “Does the next director of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services need to be a Christian? That is the question after Gov. Mike Parson said in a statement Tuesday that he would only choose someone for the job who shared the ‘same Christian values’ as him.” Parson defined such values as, “‘Christian values, family values, and love for this nation.’” And there it is, coded as usual in the terms of “family values,” which means anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-marriage equality. This is an especially dangerous litmus test for someone who would serve as the director of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. This would be the same person who applies his “Christian values” to discriminate against gays to promote conversation therapy, deny transition services and information, restrict HIV testing and treatment, along with other essential services the LGBTQ community — in particular the most vulnerable among them — needs and deserves. Mark my words, f***tards. These stories are so subtle that they are constantly overlooked, but they always point in the same direction. Christian (evangelical) theocracy is slowly weaving its way into the corners and crevasses of the states and the nation. Red states are getting redder and more religious even though the country more generally is getting less religious, but that never stopped RepubliKKKlans from imposing their minority morals on the majority. Don’t think it will stop with harassing the gays; they’re just first on the list. Once they’re done with them, then they’ll come for you!

Moreover, pretty soon SCOTUS will start issuing opinions that feel far more religious in their deliberation than in the past. They are about to rule on the power and prominence of religion itself in the nation via a First Amendment case before them this term, as they look to weaken the separation between church and state regarding school tuition assistance nonetheless. Pretty soon your tax dollars will be going to religious schools in the form of tuition assistance because Lord knows we should be forced to help parents pay for their children to go to religious institutions to become indoctrinated in religious bigotry. These religious places don’t have to pay taxes but they sure are eager to have their hands out for my tax dollars. I expected nothing less. But there is a larger issue with this case before SCOTUS. Do local schools as battlegrounds sound familiar? School boards? Books in school libraries? School curriculum? Don’t say gay? It’s all related. I keep warning you people. There is a reason SCOTUS is taking up these hot bottom issues. There is a reason why books, curricula, and gay issues are all suddenly at the forefront of the culture war. RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals are emboldened and they know they are winning. Mark my words.

Change is coming, and you’re not going to like it, but you’ll be stuck with it for the rest of your lives because no one cares about the justices that sit on the highest, most consequential court in the land until it’s too late. And to think all this happened because America elected a con artist to be the president, who then selected one-third of the justices on SCOTUS, pushing it to a supermajority of conservatives who are eager to roll back decades of progress. One of those nominations was duly owed to Obama but denied by RepubliKKKlans. One would think this outrage should have inflamed voters and pushed them to the polls. Oh, wait. It did. For RepubliKKKlans. Oh, well. Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. Welcome to stupid America! Like I’ve said countless times: You cannot undo the stupid!