They’re Coming for Your Straight Marriage Next

According to (Times Media Co. of Northwest Indiana), “U.S. Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., would welcome the U.S. Supreme Court rescinding its 1967 ruling that legalized interracial marriage nationwide in favor of allowing each of the 50 states to decide such issues on its own. Speaking Tuesday on a conference call with Indiana reporters, the Hoosier senator unambiguously declared his belief that many of the high court’s key civil rights decisions of the past 70 years were wrongly decided and an improper usurpation of state’s rights. … But, when asked by The Times, Braun admitted there are many Supreme Court decisions he believes improperly established federal rights that would be better handled on a state-by-state basis, including Loving v. Virginia that legalized interracial marriage, and Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) establishing a right to privacy concerning contraceptive use.”

I was literally just writing about this the other day. Look, f***tards! These articles fall in my lap, so to speak. Seriously, I peruse my regular news sources, and these types of articles stand out. It is not a coincidence that when I write about RepubliKKKlans coming for your rights, suddenly, as if right on cue, RepubliKKKlan lawmakers start popping up to express their support to turn back the right of interracial marriages and birth control. I don’t know how many times I have to tell all you f***tards out there: This new SCOTUS will start stripping everyone’s rights. RepubliKKKlans are already planting the seeds for everything they want the high court to begin reversing — abortion rights, gay marriage, interracial marriage, birth control, privacy in your bedroom is just for starters, off the top of my head.

This state’s rights movement spearheaded by conservatives will be a disaster for America. Think about marriage, for example. What happens when SCOTUS declares interracial marriage should be left to the states to decide? The U.S. Constitution only mentions race once (and marriage not at all), thusly: “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” Given the conservative makeup of SCOTUS, which now subscribes to originalism as their primary legal, philosophical doctrine, if it ain’t exactly written into the Constitution, then it ain’t protected. So, don’t think race and marriage are explicitly protected rights. They are not! In fact, the underlying right that justices have long inferred as being in the Constitution is the right to privacy (and liberty) which derives from the Due Process Clause in the Fourteenth Amendment (see substantive due process and here [And, yes, I read all of it.]); this is the fundamental right that justifies gay marriage, interracial marriage, abortion, birth control, sodomy (for the gays only, of course), and other unenumerated rights. But with this ultra-conservative SCOTUS, that basic underpinning is under threat because, again, the right to “privacy” is not explicitly enshrined in the Constitution. In short, the conservative wing of SCOTUS wants to shred the substantive due process doctrine, which is the linchpin to underdoing federal protection of privacy rights. So, if privacy is not in the Constitution, then it’s up to the states to determine what constitutes “your right to privacy.” Yeah, good luck with that! For a segment of the country — RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks — that abhors the notion of government being in their business, they sure are eager for the business of SCOTUS to ensure state governments can do just that — get up in their private business. Whatever! I live in stupid hell!

All the right-winger nutjobs need is one old-school evil evangelical to refuse to grant a marriage license to an interracial couple because doing so would violate that person’s First Amendment right, as was the case before Loving, where the Bible was used to justify banning such marriages. I could see such a case going to SCOTUS and Justice Thomas writing the majority opinion that would deny his own interracial marriage, but that would be par for the course for all conservatives; they are more than willing to shoot themselves in the foot as long as they can tell everyone else beneath them how to live their lives.

Then watch as all the blue states make interracial marriage legal while all the red, racist states make it illegal. So now, when interracial married couples travel to a red state, their marriage is suddenly no longer recognized. Part of the reason this country works — I use the term loosely — is that states have implicitly agreed to abide by some standard norms, but with RepubliKKKlans gunning for 50 individual nation-states, America is headed toward 50 waring — literally — neighbors sooner rather than later. RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks genuinely want a country divided along red and blue lines, where the red states can simply ignore any rights from blue-state visitors if they even allow such travel across state lines. Ultimately, this is where we are headed with this ultra-conservative theocratic-friendly SCOTUS; leave everything up to the states. The federal government only exists for national defense, regulating interstate commerce, and taxation. Honestly, you morons are seriously suffering from a lack of imagination when it comes to the future of America under this SCOTUS.

Mark my words! You may think I’m hyperbolic, but I see the signs; they are not concealed. RepubliKKKlans are not being shy about their intentions. But whatever! No one cares because it’s SCOTUS. People will only start caring when it’s too late. This is what happens when a society becomes apathetic and dumbed down. Your rights are next. Oh, well. You heard it hear first. But enjoy your rights while you can, and welcome to stupid America!