This America Cannot Survive

The Hill reports, “The Politico/Morning Consult Poll published on Wednesday found the vast majority of Americans dismiss the theory that Trump will be reinstated as president, including 61 percent of Republicans. Twenty-nine percent of GOP respondents, however, said they believe Trump will be made president again [this August].” Americans are so f***ing trump stupid. I mean the level of stupidity of those who believe such non-sense cannot be comprehended. America cannot survive with a portion of the electorate “thinking” such idiocracy! Believing that traitor trump will be re-installed is a cancer on society that will only worsen. Granted it is a small portion of a diminishing, though very ardent, political party, but every cancer begins with a single cell. It will metastasize, killing the rest of America. I’m sorry to say that the only way to cure this disease is through a civil war, and that is the direction we’re headed. Lincoln was correct (and prescient) when he said a divided house cannot stand. Welcome to stupid America. The stupid will eventually kill the country. Get ready, morons!