Kyrsten Sinema turns Independent, of course! Of course! Of course! Of course! What else is new? She claims that she will “caucus” with Democrats, so — I guess — Democrats will maintain a working 51-seat majority. What choice does she have? Caucus with RepubliKKKlans only to serve with a party that does not — technically — have majority control? Of course not! Needless to say, she is now even more of an unreliable vote for Democrats. At least Manchin is consistent; you know where he stands. This cunt keeps lurching to the right, so I don’t trust anything she says until she casts a vote.
All of this is just another reminder that Democrats have never had the majority in the Senate, and I think people and other Democrats keep overlooking this fact. They keep running around patting themselves on their backs, claiming Democrats have the mandate to lead, yet in two states — Maine and Vermont — they can’t put up Democrats and win. No! Instead, they can only succeed when Independents run and then caucus with Democrats. While it is a working majority, it is not a true majority. RepubliKKKlans never have this problem! They actually put up tried and true RepubliKKKlans who win! Not Democrats! But whatever! Democrats will never have genuine control until they start playing the hardball necessary to win total control instead of relying on third-party politicians to push them over the finish line. In short, Democrats are still the minority party who act like they are not, yet fail to do what is required to make them apex predators — winners! Welcome to stupid America!