
This Four-Eyed Gook!

From CNN, “The Cornell University student accused of posting online threats to kill members of the university’s Jewish community appeared in federal court Wednesday and was ordered to remain behind bars for the time being. Patrick Dai, a 21-year-old junior at the Ivy League school, was arrested Tuesday and charged federally with ‘posting threats to kill or injure another using interstate communications,’ the U.S. Attorney’s Office for New York’s Northern District announced. The charge is punishable by up to five years in prison. … In one post, Dai wrote he would ‘bring an assault rifle to campus’ and shoot Jewish people, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.”

I always find it rich when a member of a not-so-long-along minority group that was accused of creating and spreading the “China virus” turns the tables on bigotry and racism by going after the Jewish community. It is as if these people don’t own a mirror. Or, perhaps as is more likely, these conservative mindset individuals always believe they’re mainstream and that bigotry and discrimination by their RepubliKKKlan brethren never apply to themselves. Look to any Black or gay RepubliKKKlan to confirm this theory. Trust me when I say the minorities in these conservative groups are being derided by their peers behind their backs. Obliviousness and being self-absorbed are all part of the required ethos for a conservative sensibility. But I digress.

So, this Dai guy just ruined his life. As a junior, he will be expelled and fail out of all of his classes, which will, no doubt, crater his G.P.A. to the point where he’ll be unable to graduate from a top-tier university. Two and a half years at Cornell just to waste it all. What an idiot. And I thought Asians were supposed to be the smart ones. I guess racism, bigotry, antisemitism, and hatred really do make (attract) people stupid. I expected nothing less.