Some people just want to destroy America, and American voters are too f***ing stupid to stop it from happening because I live in stupid hell. From The Hill, “[Cornel] West, a philosopher, Ivy League academic and leftist, recently announced he is newly registered with the Green Party as he seeks to challenge Biden and the eventual Republican nominee for the White House. … Seven years ago, when Hillary Clinton lost to former President Donald Trump, many in her orbit blamed Green Party nominee Jill Stein as a factor that contributed to her defeat. Heading into 2024, Democrats worry West could emerge as a similar spoiler by earning just enough votes to fracture the coalition Biden needs to win. … While Democrats continue to be haunted by what happened in 2016, there are some notable differences between then and now. Clinton was, in millions of voters’ minds, a highly flawed candidate with a family history and political track record that made many uncomfortable. Some of those voters in key battleground states found Stein, who ran twice on the Green Party ticket and is now advising West, an appealing alternative.”
Democrats should be terrified because we’re about to repeat 2016 all over again. Allow me to remind the f***tards out there just how close the 2016 and 2020 elections were. The total number of votes that separated traitor trump from Clinton in the three closest swing states was approximately 75,000, meaning that had those three states flipped to Clinton, she would have won the presidency. As Vox notes, “In Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, one could plausibly blame third parties for the outcome. In Michigan, Clinton lost by less than a percentage point, a deficit she could have recovered from with half of Stein’s votes. Again in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, where Clinton lost by one point, Jill Stein’s votes would have covered her loss. Had Clinton won all three states, she would have won the election.” The Vox article correctly stipulates that it is impossible to know how third-party voters may have voted (or not voted) had Stein or Johnson (from the libertarian right-wing) not run. Still, the margins are too close in the 2024 election to keep experimenting with idiotic third-party runs.
How close? Well, let’s return to the 2020 election results to evince the morons out there. Again, the total number of votes from the three closest swing states (not the same states as in 2016) that separated Biden from traitor trump for the win was how many? Anyone? Anyone remember? Anyone at all? Don’t be shy. Spit it out! Approximately 30,000 votes. Less than half of Clinton’s margin. So, as much as people like to say Biden won by a greater margin in the popular vote, the election was much closer in 2020. Plus, we don’t elect presidents by the popular vote — incomprehensibly. For all the sh*t that traitor trump put this country through in his four years as chief grievance officer, more people loved him in states where it counts. (This is why America is a dead country walking.) Biden nor traitor trump had any meaningful third-party candidates in the 2020 match-up, but that all changes with West now in the game, and history is about to repeat itself because — again — Americans are just too f***ing dumb to know better. West may as well be wearing a “Blacks for [T]rump” shirt. He is exactly the same: An unaware moron who apparently doesn’t own a mirror and thinks he can win. (Of course, there will be no third-party 2024 candidate from the right to take votes from traitor trump because RepubliKKKlans are politically ruthless — and dare I say “smart.” They know better than to siphon off votes from their nominee. Only liberals are this dumb.)
And does anyone find it convenient that Stein is helping West to run? Does this look or sound familiar? It should. This is Russia meddling in our elections. Stein is a Russian mole who was put into play to thwart Clinton’s chances, and it worked. Now Stein and West are the Russian moles called upon to get traitor trump back in office. It’s fair to say that Russia backed off in the 2020 election, given the warnings from America over 2016, but now, with Putin losing in Ukraine, he needs to stir the pot again. Hence, enter West. Putin needs traitor trump in office to end the war. This is all clear as day, and I have no faith that f***tard Americans will not make the same mistake again, for we all know that Americans love to punish Democratic presidents for not saving America fast enough. Just as Gore (after Bill Clinton) and Hillary (after Obama). In both those cases, a Democratic president and the party were elected to clean up RepubliKKKlan messes, and, naturally, Americans thanked them by voting in RepubliKKKlans — Bush II who gave us 9/11 and traitor trump who gave us COVID. It never f***ing fails, and this sh*t-for-brains country is about to do it again with traitor trump part two. But whatever! I live in stupid f***ing hell! Welcome to stupid America! The end is coming!