This Guy Is Still Alive?

Attribution: Chip Somodevilla, Getty Images

Jesus-f***ing-Christ-on-the-Cross. Why hasn’t Kissinger dropped dead yet? Newsweek reports, “Former secretary of state Henry Kissinger has said Ukraine should accept giving up part of its territory to reach a peace deal with Russia, and end the now three-month-long war immediately. Talking at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, on Monday, 98-year-old Kissinger said that failing to restart negotiations with Russia and continuing to antagonize Moscow could have disastrous consequences for Europe’s stability in the long term.”

What an a**hole! Seriously! I just love this especially old and decrepit Nixon-era holdover telling another nation what it should do. Kissinger is a Putin-lover. And as a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany, he probably would have been a Hitler-lover if not for his race. Full stop! In fact, anyone who says Ukraine should just give up their territory to appease Russia in the name of European security is not only a Putin-lover but an abject moron who, apparently, has no understanding of 20th-century European history. Allied nations tried appeasement once already, and it was a disaster. Yet, we have an “esteemed” and “experienced” diplomat and politician — i.e., Kissinger — recommending precisely that. Christ! Kissinger, drop dead, you old piece of sh*t! Your Realpolitik advice is just as worthless now as it was when you were advising Nixon. Welcome to stupid America!