This Is America!

Republican Representative Greg Steube: Man with small penis shows off guns

Welcome to stupid America! Only in stupid America does a lawmaker show off his guns during a Judiciary Committee meeting on gun violence. But this is America now. This is the nation that Americans desire and deserve. This is a dying nation! It’s almost pointless for me to keep writing on this topic because nothing changes — nothing will ever change. I should be chronicling the demise of America because nothing I witness daily indicates the country is going in any other direction. How can a stupid nation survive? It cannot. How can a nation too apathetic to vote survive? It cannot. How can a nation more enthralled with the Depp-Heard trial than keeping democracy survive? It cannot. How can a country that loves guns more than preserving life survive? It! Can! Not! Welcome to stupid America! Dead country walking! Mark my words, f***tards!