This Is America! Get Ready for Four More Years, Morons!

Attribution: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

I don’t know how many times I must say it. I don’t know how to say it more emphatically. Just like the last presidential cycle, these traitor trump rallies are starting to gain momentum — during a pandemic none the less! The rallies are getting larger and more hateful, for they are the definition of America! These people are America! If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times before: Traitor trump is the Everyman of America. He is the mirror, stupid!

America is not a land of inclusiveness; it is not the land of equality; it is not the land of hope; it is not the land of prosperity; it is not that shining city on the hill. No! It is none of these things, and, in fact, dare I say it never was. America has always been a veneer of these affects, tempered by that social lubricant of political correctness — that hateful social moderator which forced us to at least try to get along. Traitor trump has made political correctness obsolete leaving America unmasked. Now, we can see America for what it really is. Americans either like or don’t mind traitor trump’s vileness! They just roll their eyes or ignore him when, in fact, his vileness matters. It matters a great deal. America is the land of hatred, greed, factionalism, other-ism, violence, white supremacy, misogyny, homophobia, antisemitism, anti-immigrant, xenophobia, and on and on and on. America is all the worst qualities and attributes of humanity. How can I make such broad accusations with confidence? Because traitor trump’s crowds at his Nuremberg rallies say it all! These crowds are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the very real silent majority, and I mean the silent majority that counts — the one that votes in the right places! While the BLM protests seem to be more popular and pervasive and representative of what we would like to think America should be, do not be fooled! It is actually the minority that holds power, and that power is in the Electoral College. Nothing else matters but the Electoral College, for this is the undemocratic institution that creates the minority tyranny under which we live — year after year and election cycle after election cycle. So, it does not matter if Hillary won the popular vote by three million or that Democrats always win the popular vote generally. None of this matters! Because the minority rules over the majority and the majority just takes it and thereby they condone the vileness that is America! People still don’t vote in large enough numbers in the right states to matter in the Electoral College because most just don’t care!

And I will repeat myself again: Traitor trump is more popular with RepubliKKKlans today than four years ago because RepubliKKKlans didn’t trust him in the first election cycle. They thought he had some Democratic leanings. Well, fast forward to now and traitor trump has completely disabused RepubliKKKlans of such notions. So, where RepubliKKKlans may have hesitated before, they most certainly will not in November. And don’t be fooled by Democrats winning in the mid-terms. The only difference that counts in this election compared to 2018 is traitor trump being on the 2020 ballot. That is the big wild card which polling cannot predict. In fact, turnout has always been the greatest weakness of polling because the turnout factor is at best an educated guess made by the modeler. Mark my words, morons! Welcome to trump stupid America! The country was lost years ago and it appears most people have no f***ing clue — still!