This Is Exactly the Biden Weakness I Keep Talking About

Back in April 2021, Elie Mystal — my favorite legal pundit — presciently observed in The Nation, “I can distill the Democrats’ decades-long failure to control the Supreme Court into a single concept: Republicans use the nation’s highest court to reward their hard-core voting base; Democrats use it to pacify their moderates. The staunch refusal of establishment Democrats to offer anything more than a token defense of their voters through the court is the reason Democrats are always fighting an asymmetrical war over the third branch of government—and always losing. The latest Democratic Party failure is Joe Biden’s Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court. Last week, in fulfillment of his campaign promise, Biden announced the composition of an 180-day commission to study expanding the court. Biden’s choices confirm the worst fears court reformers had about the president: He doesn’t want a solution; he wants an excuse to do nothing.”

Now, fast forward to the commission’s draft report where Slate sums up the members’ intentions well, “After six months of gathering facts and evidence, taking testimony, and mulling reform ideas, the commission declares that it is neither offering recommendations about fixing the courts nor proposing a specific path forward. One problem: In so doing, the commission is actually proposing a specific path forward—the one we are already on. The commission seems to frame the status quo as the reasonable choice and all alternatives as dangerous deviations. … To recap: During the six months that this commission has been preparing its draft report, the current Supreme Court made it harder for minorities to challenge racist voter suppression laws, harder for unions to organize, and harder to learn who is contributing funds to political groups. It has changed the law of religious liberty through the shadow docket. It has also, in case you missed it, allowed approximately 10 percent of American women of childbearing age to lose their constitutional right to abortion in September. If you survey all this legal wreckage and ask what can be done about it, the commission’s interim report has an answer: nothing.”

So, Msytal was right from the start. Biden’s commission scam was always only about placating dumbass Democrats. When the time comes, Biden will do nothing while claiming change is hard and scary. To be honest, without larger majorities in Congress he can’t do much, but certainly he is not gaining any favor with his current stance on SCOTUS. Remember, for example, Biden is against term limits for justices, so he’s a worthless institutionalist who just wants more or the same basically. News flash, f***tards! Traitor trump destroyed tradition and the concept of government working within conventional “norms.” This is a perfect case for why Biden and Democrats are so f***ing G.D. weak. They create pointless, gutless blue-ribbon commissions to investigate an issue only to throw up their hands and claim it’s all too complicated and that change might do more harm than good — because Lord knows the status quo is working so f***ing well at the moment. Then dumbass Democrats hide behind such reports as an excuse to do nothing in the name of returning to “normalcy.” It never f***ing fails! It’s always the same. RepubliKKKlans are destroying every aspect of America’s democracy, and the best Biden and dumbass Democrats can do is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I give up! Why even bother anymore when everyone already knows the outcome? Just ask Msytal. He saw the SCOTUS endgame long before the game started. Welcome to stupid America. Dumb as ever and surely to be dumber tomorrow!