This Is Not Straight-faced Political Jiu-Jitsu, Sadly!

From Politico, “Politically, Biden is probably wise to cast himself as the one person trying to de-escalate the tit-for-tat over parliamentary procedure and dramatic institutional reform of the Supreme Court. The Biden campaign does not want McConnell to be able to use reform to cast Biden as radical on these issues.” I would like to think that Biden is conducting straight-faced political Jiu-Jitsu, that he is merely telling those in the political center what they want to hear, namely, he will return the country to political normality by not threatening to pack SCOTUS with liberal Justices. Then, if he should win and should Democrats take back the Senate, Biden pulls out all the stops and packs all the courts. But who am I kidding?!?! I can tell already that Biden will be one of the weakest presidents we’ve ever had, should he win. Mark my words, morons!

Honestly, at this point, Americans need to lose their health care. I think it is the only way to truly energize the left and the center. So much complacency has brought us to this point. Not enough people have died yet. Clearly, not enough fellow countrymen have died from SARS 2 to get people woke. Sorry, but traitor trump with a 43 percent job approval as he mismanages the pandemic is not a woke country! After a decade of health care security, maybe people need to have it taken away, and then we can return to the pre-ACA era where people die and go bankrupt because of their medical expenses. Maybe then, people will finally get woke. (I doubt it!) Not just woke, but revolutionary woke. (I doubt it!) Maybe when enough people have died then people will begin to understand that America is the land of minority tyranny where the citizens just take it, year after year. (I doubt it!) Whatever! Who am I kidding? I get myself all worked up to be optimistic, but none of this matters anymore. Moronic and apathetic Americans allowed conservatives to take hold of the country and we are never going to get it back, especially with the current breed of dumbass Democrats leading the party! Mark my words, f***tards! I’ve said it countless times before: America was lost the day traitor trump won the election, but no one has realized it yet, except me! Oh, well. Nothing to see here people! Go back to your TikTok and Facebook and Twitter! Welcome to trump stupid America! Get ready for four more years!