This Is Stupid America on COVID

This graph is all you need to know about stupid America. I am most interested in the flips between approve and disapprove. This virus has run its course according to its nature with some help from anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers, for they are the primary vectors of contagion. Despite Biden’s premature claim of independence from COVID last Summer, he has been very consistent in his messaging and approach: Implore people to mask up, get vaccinated, and get boosted. Nonetheless, Biden unjustly receives the blame for the vicissitudes of a disease that, at this point, is being perpetuated by RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks who refuse to get vaccinated and mask up where required.

It is incomprehensible that public opinion should change according to the mutations and virulence of a virus. Biden, obviously, has no control over these factors, and he has little control over public behavior. Yet, the public has every bit of control. I could understand if, let’s say, a president took a complete laissez-faire approach to COVID — traitor trump! I could understand the public penalizing a president who approached COVID in this manner. However, Biden, who has consistently been preaching for everyone to do the right things, still gets punished for taking the proper course of action even though it may not lead to what morons of America expect, want, or demand. This is the epitome of a stupid and petulant public. And if I have to hear one more person assert COVID fatigue, then I’m going to blow my f***ing G.D. mind! Look, f***tards. You may be done with the virus, but I promise the virus is not done with you. Of all people, Biden is not the person you should be blaming because you’re over it!

And it is equally frustrating and incomprehensible that citizens do not grade Biden based on his policies and practices to control the pandemic, e.g., making testing and vaccines widely available. When the public changes its collective mind about his handling of COVID based on what’s happening minute by minute in the news, it only exemplifies that public opinion and the president’s approval ratings are entirely spontaneous. Christ! Biden’s approval rating changes with the news cycle, not with any evidence of meaningful cause and effect attributed to him. It further demonstrates that people are ruled more by their emotions rather than a dispassionate and reasoned evaluation of the circumstances. And these people are the same ones who vote! This is why America is the way it is. This is how traitor trump got elected and why he will be re-elected. Facts don’t matter because of feelings! Well, f*** your feelings! Welcome to stupid America. Ruled by emotion, not logic. Fan-f***ing-tastic!