
This Is the Future of America!

Photo by Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images.

According to The New York Times, “Viktor Orbán, the prime minister of Hungary who is revered by a wing of the American political right, spoke as an opening day headliner at a conservative event in Texas after he was condemned for his recent comments opposing a ‘mixed-race’ society.” And The Hill reports, “The Hungarian leader said he had come to Texas to tell the audience ‘how you should fight. My answer is play by your own rules. … We must coordinate a movement of our troops because we face the same challenge,’ he continued, calling the 2022 midterm elections and 2024 presidential and congressional elections part of ‘the fight for civilization.’ Orbán emphasized Hungary’s hard-line policies criminalizing illegal migration and restricting marriage and adoption for same-sex couples.” He basically came to America to incite a call to arms and to hate on the gays (of course). Forty percent of America loves him for it and wants more. America cannot survive! I keep telling you, idiots!

This is the future of America, f***tards: An autocracy with a scoop of theocracy on the side because one of the two major political parties in America is all in on ending America’s democracy and enacting their wet dream of a nation where white supremacy, misogyny, anti-gay hate, racism, and all the other -ists and isms are not only accepted but codified. I wish people would wake the f*** up in America and, indeed, around the world. I have written about this endlessly, but there is a reason why authoritarianism is ascending, and democracy is dying across the globe, including America. And I don’t give one G.D. f*** about the surprise ballot victory that kept Nebraskans’ constitutional protection to abortions. I’m hearing it all over progressive media and talk shows: Nebraska is proof the tide is turning for Democrats in the midterms. Ugh! No! It’s! Not! Dumbass Democrats think holding the House and the Senate is tantamount to winning the war. Not! If Democrats retain the House by some miracle of God, it’s just one battle won in a long war. Nonetheless, RepubliKKKlans have been planning and planting the seeds of destruction of America’s democracy for decades. Indeed, until traitor trump, those seeds lay dormant, waiting for the deluge that is the MAGA movement, conspiracy theory critical mass, and, of course, SCOTUS.

To be sure, hateful attitudes have been with America from the moment the first Europeans set foot on the continent. We are far from the City upon a Hill. With the counterculture and social revolution of the 1960s, such hatreds were suppressed and forced into the fringes of polite society. Certainly, no political party would make hate a central plank of their platform. Then came traitor trump. Now the hate, anger, grievance, and white Christian nationalism are out in the open, on full display — embraced, revered, and accepted by 40 percent of the American population and ignored by the rest. The 60 percent who are too stupid, too lazy, or too self-involved to care will soon find themselves being ruled over by the tyrannical minority. The modern world has seen this movie before! Nazis came to power with never having won more than 40 percent of the vote! The end is coming, but whatever. RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are openly discussing the end of America’s democracy, and no one is listening. Wake up, people, especially the LGBTQ community! Welcome to stupid America!