This Is What Passes for Presidential?

From Raw Story, “President Donald Trump is desperate for the coronavirus problem to go away, and he doesn’t exactly care how it happens. According to New York Times reporter Annie Karni, sources are telling her that the biggest concern Trump has is more about the markets than the deaths of Americans from the virus.” Once again, Raw Story said it with perfect pith! A byline to a Politico article on the press conference read, “He cracked wise, told a story with a stand-up comedian’s patter, waved around colorful graphs and listed facts he had just learned.” Even though the article itself reads rather matter-of-factly, the byline hints of sarcasm. It was, no doubt a subtle dig. But then, waking up to Morning Joe where they praised traitor trump’s performance at the press conference was, of course, nauseating because it takes so little for the MSM to fall all over themselves to claim traitor trump is acting presidential. Un-f***ing-believable!

First and foremost and typically and mind-numbingly, traitor trump speaks like a f***ing G.D. retard! F***! It is difficult to listen to him because he only talks stupid, which I suppose is a direct translation for his f***ing G.D. Scheiße-for-brains MAGA moron, RepubliKKKlan, and evil Evangelical supporters! His f***ing off-the-cuff, stream-of-consciousness rambling is f***ing annoying and distracting. Naturally, his supporters love it because he “speaks like them” and “says what they think,” but I’d rather not be dumbed-downed by having to listen to him. Welcome to stupid f***ing America.

Second — and again right on cue — his rambling and answers to questions must contain parts of his re-election stump speech, which, of course, must include disparaging Democrats and describing how great he is on matters completely unrelated to the topic at hand. It’s always about him! Then he claims that everyone must work as a team. F*** me!

Last, and most important, which also goes to the point of the Raw Story quote, it is just clear that he really doesn’t care, doesn’t know what’s going on, and this is all just one big inconvenience that is getting in the way of his re-election plans. If one listens carefully, his remarks — as always — run all over the place. He says all things, often contradictory, to all listeners. On the one hand, he projects optimism in an almost careless manner by overstating that he thinks things won’t get any worse even suggesting the 15 current cases will be down to zero “in a short period of time.” But then he coaches his answer, on the other hand, with the “anything is possible” qualification. In other words, there is “nothing to worry about” because we are (he is) the best and there are about to be zero cases in the U.S. to “well it could happen” (get much worse). This is his typical CYA answer. So, if things do get worse — and they will — he can say that he never said that things wouldn’t get worse, and his followers will praise him for his “foresight.” He repeats this dichotomy several times. So which is it? We’re about to be coronavirus-free or brace for the worst? While I would expect traitor trump to be reassuring, I also expect him to be logically consistent or at least realistic, both of which, I guess, requires a sense of intelligence and self-awareness — oops! It’s clear that he just wants this gone and not have to deal with it.

Honestly, I’m hoping for the worst because people aren’t ever going to wake up to traitor trump’s incompetence until a lot more people start publicly dying. All of his worst policies and practices are being masked by a great economy. People truly have no f***ing clue just how much he is destroying the country from within. Welcome to stupid! stupid! stupid! America.

Disclaimer: As usual, I feel I must mention that Raw Story is not journalism, so I reference it sparingly, but there are articles that perfectly capture my thoughts, feelings, and ire even though at times it seems the site is subtlely trolling progressives because I constantly see advertisements for traitor trump and MAGA moron merchandise, but whatever!