
‘This Is Who We Are’

Matt Huynh

Mark Leibovich writes in The Atlantic, “In the last spring of the Obama administration, Michelle Obama was delivering her final commencement address as first lady, at City College of New York. Then, as now, the specter of Donald Trump had become the inescapable backdrop to everything. He’d spent the past year smashing every precept of restraint, every dignified tradition of the supposedly kindhearted nation he was seeking to lead. Obama couldn’t help but lob some barely cloaked denunciations of Trump’s wrecking-ball presidential campaign—the one that would soon be ratified with the Republican nomination. ‘That is not who we are,’ the first lady assured the graduates. ‘That is not what this country stands for, no.’ The promise did not age well. Not that November, and not since. … In retrospect, so many of the high-minded appeals of the Obama era—‘We are the ones we’ve been waiting for’; ‘When they go low, we go high’—feel deeply naive. Question for Michelle: What if they keep going lower and lower—and that keeps landing the lowest of the low back in the White House? … You can dismiss Trump voters all you want, but give them this: They’re every bit as American as any idealized vision of the place. If Trump wins in 2024, his detractors will have to reckon once again with the voters who got us here—to reconcile what it means to share a country with so many citizens who keep watching Trump spiral deeper into his moral void and still conclude, ‘Yes, that’s our guy.’”

I really wish I had started this blog before traitor trump won in 2016, for I have been warning (thinking to myself and telling friends) for years — since 2015 — that traitor trump would win, and this (he) is precisely who “we” are! Un-f***ing-believable. I tell you, Michelle Obama lost all credibility with me when she (and President Obama) affirmed some variation of “That is not who we are” or more grating to the ears when Michelle said, “When they go low, we go high.” Are you f***ing kidding me with this sh*t?!?! F*** me! F*** me hard! This is exactly the type of dumbass Democrats’ delusional thinking and wish-casting that keeps half the country in some sort of blind happy trance, unwilling and unable to confront the threat that is 45 percent of Americans. And I think dumbass Democrats are still a bit reluctant to face the truth about our nation: A good 45 percent of Americans view the rest of us as the enemy, yet the sanguine moronic happy-clappy majority remains completely and utterly oblivious to the storm that is brewing, relying on such vapid platitudes and tropes like “it can’t happen here” or “checks and balances” will keep another traitor trump administration in line or “it can’t be that bad.” All this group-think is not going to stop fascism from taking over America’s government. I’m telling you, f***tards, people need to wake the f*** up and snap out of the wishful thinking haze that infects the rest of the 55 percent of Americans, for I promise you half the country eyes the other half as the enemy to be conquered and subdued; they want dictator traitor trump. Why is this so f***ing difficult for Americans to apprehend? This is not a recondite subject like quantum physics. This is straightforward and straight-up authoritarianism knocking at our door. You can’t fight these people with “going high.” Un-f***ing-believable. I can’t! I just f***ing can’t with the stupid anymore. Welcome to stupid America! All dumb, all the time. Biden is merely the intermission to the end, f***tards!