This Is Why I Hate Americans: Stupidity!

Once again, it’s MAGA moron-voters-on-display time with these traitor trump voter focus groups hosted by Axios. Jesus-f***ing-Christ-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross! I Can’t. Oh, my f***ing God! I can’t! Who the f*** are these morons of the highest f***ing order? Seriously! Who are these f***tards? People this stupid should be euthanized for their own safety and the safety of humanity!

From Axios, “Some swing voters in Erie, Pa., tell us they’re gravitating to Joe Biden — less as a change agent than as a path back to stability, and to restoring the national respect they feel has been lost under President Trump. … ‘There are so many people who are unhappy right now with the general stance of what our country is looking like,’ said Lori S., who voted for Trump four years ago but now plans to vote for Biden. ‘People are just over it. They’re over his mouth, they’re over his everything about him and his whole bit, that they’re ready for any kind of change’ [empahsis added].” I selected what I thought was the most all-encompassing sentiment of this collective group of idiots. First, I don’t trust their “good” judgment to vote for Biden this year when they have already demonstrated such stupidity four years ago. I just don’t trust them to do the right thing. Stupid is as stupid does, and stupid is not fixed in four years! It’s a f***ing G.D. wonder how some of these people voted for Obama in the first place — makes absolutely no sense. So, what? They decided after eight years to elect the guy who openly said he wants to undo everything Obama did?

Second, oh, so now they’re over traitor trump? Now, they’re over his “mouth” and his “whole bit?” Now, they’re feeling “annoyed,” “irritated,” and “frustrated?” Now, a warning?!?! WTF?!?! What version of traitor trump did they think they were watching for the 18 months he was running for president? Oh, let me guess. These morons actually thought he would become “presidential” once in office. Un-f***ing-believable. I can’t! I just can’t believe the level of stupidity evinced by voters. F***! We are so f***ing screwed! This is incomprehensible level stupid! Welcome to trump stupid America; it’s every bit as bad as one thought it would be!