This Is Why I Hate Stupid America

A headline from The Hill reads: “Gallup: Trump job approval rating matches all-time high.” And this from Axios: “60% of Americans approve of Trump’s coronavirus response.” Once again and as always this country is pure stupidity all the m*****f***ing time. I f***ing hate this country for its stupidity. I just can’t take this f***ing G.D. stupid country anymore. The f***tards of America are giving traitor trump his highest job approval rating for what? Cheerleading his way through the SARS 2 pandemic? Once again and as always stupid America is not taking this seriously because not enough people have died yet. Mark my words, f***tards. No one is going to care until dead people line the streets. Those skeptical are, of course, MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals. So, I say f*** it! If ever we needed the Einsatzgruppen to liquidate America’s morons, then now is the moment. This is incomprehensible stupidity: COVID-19 party, sacrificing grandparents for the economy, and “opening up” the nation by Easter because it’s “a beautiful time.” If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a million times before: America is just too f***ing G.D. stupid to survive.

They love traitor trump because he stands before them daily lying about everything! They love it! America loves it because people are too stupid to know any better. None of this matters because traitor trump is well on his way to being re-elected. Mark my words, f***tards. Between Biden just not having what it takes — I’m sorry to say it, but that’s what I’m witnessing — and Americans being too stupid to see through traitor trump’s long con job, people are simply going to stick with the Idiot-in-Chief during this catastrophe. I can’t wait! Welcome to trump stupid America! All stupid, all the time! Anyone who thinks traitor trump is doing a good job should immediately find a gun, stick it their mouth, and pull the trigger!