This Is Why Traitor [T]rump Will Win Again

Politico reports, “The lines of demarcation between the nation’s cities and their suburbs have faded in the decades since Richard M. Nixon courted the ‘Silent Majority’ that elected him to the White House. With his law-and-order, tough-on-protesters rhetoric, Donald Trump is betting his presidency it still exists. The suburbs — not the red, but sparsely populated rural areas of the country most often associated with Trump — are where Trump found the majority of his support in 2016. Yet it was in the suburbs that Democrats built their House majority two years ago in a dramatic midterm repudiation of the Republican president.”

Mark my words, morons! There is a silent majority and it is stronger than ever. There is a reason why traitor trump has the highest approval rating among RepubliKKKlans of any president in recent history. There is a reason RepubliKKKlan politicians fear angering their constituencies by angering traitor trump. There is a reason why RepubliKKKlan’s enthusiasm in the upcoming presidential election bests Democrat’s enthusiasm. There is a reason why traitor trump’s approval rating is rock solid at ~42% even during a deadly pandemic and protesting in the streets across the nation — nay, the world. There are reasons! Reasons abound!

Mark my words, morons! In the first election, more RepubliKKKlans than one realizes either held back voting for traitor trump or voted for him with hesitation. Why the reluctance? Because they still thought he might be a Democrat. After all, up until his run for president, he was a registered Democrat (regrettably). In short, they did not trust him. Well! Three and a half years have proven to his ardent and once pusillanimous supporters that he’s all in with racism, misogynism, bigotry, fake-Christianity, homophobia, white supremacy, fascism, hatred — all the -ists and -isms that exist! Yup! They found their man to roll back the eight years of progress under that black man! As for these “Obama-traitor trump” voters? I think they are mostly a myth but probably exist in some numbers — not enough to make a difference. Nonetheless, people that stupid to think traitor trump is somehow the logical successor to Obama will, no doubt, be just as stupid to vote for the moron again. Perhaps these “Obama-traitor trump” voters should really be considered traitor trump voters in disguise that happened to vote for Obama. That makes more sense. Obama’s wins are the fluke, not traitor trump’s election. With the election of traitor trump, America has merely reverted back to its mean (in both senses of the word)!

Finally, I’ll say it again (and again and again). I don’t give one G.D. f*** what the national polls evince. I don’t care that Biden continues to lead traitor trump nationally. First, we don’t elect presidents nationally — a person wins through 50 sperate state contents. Second, we don’t elect a president via a popular vote, and therein lies traitor trumps greatest strength. Mark my words, morons. Idiot progressives keep looking back to the 2018 midterm elections as evidence that the country has rebuked the traitor trump administration and its policies. Um, yeah, no so much! They keep failing to mention that unlike the 2018 election, the 2020 contest will have traitor trump on the ballot, and that will make all the difference in the world. There are enough silent majority voters in enough states to keep traitor trump in office, which is why I read state opinion polls with suspicion. Don’t trust those polls either; there is easily a 5% hidden traitor trump voter fudge factor in those numbers. In fact, these people really don’t show up in any opinion polls! Trust me. The silent majority is embarrassed to admit they like (tolerate) traitor trump, but they’ll show up to vote for him in droves nonetheless. It is the great unknown in polling models, but it is most certainly known to those who pay attention to America’s essence. Those protesters — God bless them — they won’t vote and they are not the essence of America. I promise. They won’t and they are not. Just to be clear, traitor trump is the boiled down extracted essence of the American ethos. Mark my words! Moreover, if I have to hear one more f***ing time how the youth vote will save the country then I am going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind! Once again, we’ll be stuck with another election result where more people voted against traitor trump yet the traitor wins anyways because we live under a fatally flawed Constitution wherein the majority must live under tyranny by the minority! Fan-f***ing-tastic. Instead of protesting in the streets for the next four years because of such an undemocratic result, people will go home resigned to count down the days that traitor trump’s second term ends. Mark my words, idiots! While people rightly take to the streets to protest the continued injustice that African-Americans face in our society, especially at the hands of police, citizens all to easily shrug their shoulders when it comes to saving our democracy! Have we learned nothing? Apparently not! I give up. Welcome to trump stupid America!