‘Time for strong sanctions now’: Absolutely!

From the Atlantic Council, “Vladimir Putin surprised no one today when he recognized the ‘independence’ of the Donetsk and Luhansk peoples republics, the areas of Ukraine’s Donbas where Moscow engineered a ‘revolt’ against Ukraine’s central authorities. His statement also made clear that he has designs on other independent states that emerged when the Soviet Union collapsed. And as we saw in the draft treaties that Russia sent to the United States and NATO, his designs also touch on states of the Warsaw Pact. This is confirmation that accommodating Moscow in Ukraine will not satiate Putin’s appetite for territory and provocation. What the United States, NATO, and the European Union do next is extremely important. Putin has committed a substantial provocation. If the West’s response is simply rhetorical, Putin will smell weakness and escalation is likely. The West must respond now. That means impose (sic) some sanctions immediately—strong sanctions. It appears that the Biden administration will sanction economic activity in the areas Putin just recognized as independent. If that is the extent of the response, the United States will be inviting Moscow’s further escalation. The administration is now saying that there will be additional sanctions for this latest provocation after consultations with allies and partners.”

Absolutely, yes! I have already said that I do not think sanctions will work; however, at this point, it is more important that NATO show resolve and cohesion by bringing the hammer down on Russia. But this is precisely the paralysis I fear may happen. Anything less than the full force of NATO action will only show just how (predictably) weak the alliance is. And to all those f***tard diplomats who are reluctant to press Putin for fear of making things worse, I say this: It’s already f***ing worse. Do not fall for this “peacekeepers” notion. And do not fall for the line that Putin is only “re-invading” disputed territory. There is no such thing as “disputed territory.” All these parts in the Donbas are sovereign Ukrainian land. THIS IS THE INVASION WE’VE BEEN EXPECTING!

Putin is not going to change course, morons. What part of this entire months-long crisis has not indicated otherwise? Nothing! Look, morons! This is precisely Putin’s playbook — incrementally pushing the envelope expecting the international community to stand by wringing their hands hoping Putin doesn’t do more, pretty please. Everyone already knows this, yet with every Putin move, it’s as if no one saw it coming and then Allies are stunted into inaction or timidity. This is what I fear because Putin has been getting away with running over the West for decades — pick any invasion, any poisoning of Russian citizens in Western countries, any human rights violation. You name it! NATO and America, in particular, need to drop all the pretenses. Diplomacy is done! War has begun!