Time to End America!

The “great” American experiment has failed. The nation must end. I am not exaggerating. This latest elementary massacre in Uvalde, Texas, is the last straw of many straws, which are too many to list. It is clear that there are two Americas that can no longer coexist. Every gun massacre is a stark reminder that half the country wants more guns everywhere, and the other half doesn’t. It’s that simple. The gun divide runs cleanly through the political party dichotomy, and the divisions on gun control track precisely with every other political difference in America, from God to gays.

The question, though, remains: How to end America? Well, the only way, and the way I have been predicting for years now — civil war. No side is going to concede the nation willingly, and the country is already falling apart. Ironically, the very issue that I constantly inveigh against is the only way for Democrats to arm up to destroy the RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, evil evangelical, and QAnon kook hoard that is literally killing America. All these people are enemies of the state! I guess I have finally succumbed to reality. It is kill or be killed. So, arm up Democrats, Progressives, and Liberals. Rise up! Take to the streets! We must be the first to grab power while Biden is in office, for they are coming for you next when traitor trump returns. Be ready to shoot back!