Time to Start the Killing

From RawStory, “He’s now the most powerful elected Republican in the nation, second in line to the presidency, and the third most-powerful elected official, but just five years ago Mike Johnson was a freshman U.S. Rep. from Louisiana who had made a name for himself as an attorney fighting for far-right Christian causes. In 2018, U.S. Rep. Johnson was scheduled to deliver the keynote speech at a Bible conference hosted by infamous ‘Kill the Gays’ Pastor Kevin Swanson. Swanson, who supported Uganda’s ‘Anti-Homosexuality Bill’ that called for LGBTQ people to be executed or face life in prison, made headlines in 2015 for saying gay people should be put to death. As Right Wing Watch has reported, Swanson has called AIDS’ God’s retribution.’ He has ‘defended Uganda’s kill-the-gays bill, warned that the Girl Scouts, women’s soccer and movies like “Frozen” turn girls into lesbians, and accused gay people of causing devastating floods and hurricanes.’”

Rise up, people! Rise up! I don’t know how many times I have to keep repeating myself on this matter, but it is time to just start killing these people. I’m not sure why the LGBTQ community doesn’t have its own version of patriots that goes around eliminating these people by clandestine operations. These haters are a danger. Believe them! It is kill or be killed!