Title 42

From CNN, “A federal judge in Louisiana temporarily blocked the Biden administration from ending a Trump-era pandemic restriction on the US-Mexico border. The Biden administration had been on track to end the public health authority, known as Title 42, on May 23, a decision that has been criticized by Republicans and Democrats alike. The measure allows border authorities to turn migrants back to Mexico or their home countries because of the public health crisis.”

Dear dumbass Democrats: Take the win, morons! Just let the courts deal with the mess. It was stupid to create this a political football before the midterms in the first place. Now Democrats have the perfect excuse: It’s held up in the courts. If the administration had any grey matter between their ears, then they would let this thing drag on without a resolution. The last thing Democrats need is another “caravan” photo op as an October surprise. I’m indifferent to the morality of immigration at the southern border; I only care about the political implications, and nothing riles up RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks more than brown people at the border, so why give them more bait that energizes them to the polls? Don’t think immigration is a winning issue for Democrats; they don’t vote based on what’s going on at the border. Only RepubliKKKlans do.