Too Little, Too Late

From The Daily Beast, “Obama finally gives up ‘hope’ for something far more urgent … On Wednesday night, President Obama ditched the rosy images of a kinder, more bipartisan future and instead issued a warning.” Oh, yes. It’s the good old pathetic hope-y, change-y mantra that Obama finally ditches after four years of the traitor trump disaster. Yet, I think this hope-y, change-y vomit B.S. is still an underlying part of dumbass Democrat’s political argument. F*** me! Listen here, morons. Dumbass Democrats should have been preaching fear of traitor trump from the very beginning, long before he actually won. But no! Dumbass Democrats, having lost, essentially gave up and hoped that traitor trump would “grow” into the office of President of the United States or that he would “pivot” to acting presidential. Ugh! I can’t anymore. Anybody who ever thought that traitor trump would pivot should be immediately shot for such stupidity. And that includes dumbass Democrats! It does not take a genius to understand that traitor trump was never going to pivot that he was never going to grow into the office that he never had the intellect and aptitude to be president, yet somehow morons across the country thought he did — and still does, enough for another four years.

There is a reason traitor trump keeps harping on the fear and American carnage imagery. Because it works, f***tards. Because! It! Works! Un-f***ing-believable! Christ-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross. Dumbass Democrats need to get their f***ing act together and scare the f***ing bejesus out of voters, especially liberal and progressive voters. They have touched on it in regards to fighting against the destruction of our democracy, but it is all still too f***ing vague and amorphic. They need to paint a picture as traitor trump does. F*** me! We’re screwed because dumbass Democrats have learned nothing after four years. I give up! Get ready for four more years, idiots. The polls have been tightening because people are morons. Predictably, the slightest improvement in the pandemic and the worst economy since the Great Depression and f***tard voters readily give traitor trump kudos as if he’s fixed everything and his continued incompetence at his job is irrelevant. America is just too stupid to be saved. Welcome to trump stupid America!