Traitor Mueller Among Others

A CNN headline reads: “Mueller told Justice Dept. three weeks ago he couldn’t reach a conclusion on obstruction.” Well, if it hasn’t been clear already it is becoming clearer now. Mueller simply stopped trying to fully investigate traitor trump because I assume, like all RepubliKKKlans, Mueller is a traitor. I never trusted him and never believed in his honor and professionalism, unlike most dumbass Democrats. It is the usual miscalculation by Democrats to fail to understand the enemy. Years of investigating and Mueller is unable to reach a conclusion on obstruction, which begs the question: why did Mueller never interview traitor trump? Seriously! If he was at an impasse to reach a conclusion on the matter of obstruction of justice, then would it not have been critical to take the next, necessary, and final step of personally interviewing the president? Oh, wait. What the f*** am I thinking? This is stupid America where RepubliKKKlans are corrupt and control the “Department of Justice.” In their minds, the president is above the law. Unfortunately, dumbass Democrats have lost the chance to play any other political hand; now they will look like the spiteful party out to get traitor trump. Well played Democrats. Losers again! Welcome to stupid America!

Just to be clear about the other part of the Mueller investigation. Yes, there was no “collusion”–the most misused term in the media over the last two years because the MSM’s viewership is mostly composed of idiots, and for some reason, media personalities never took the time to educate their audience. The correct terminology is conspiracy. For the love of f***ing God! For two years the media could not even get the legal terminology correct in their discussions of the entire investigation. But I digress. Clearly, one does not have to be a lawyer on the inside to understand that traitor trump or his campaign did not conspire with Russia to win the election. Even I understood that early on in the investigation. At worst they half-wittingly stumbled into connections with Russia that were probing team traitor trump for their openness to Russian persuasion. At best team traitor trump was too stupid to understand and realize they were being played by Russia, and there is no law against being stupid or stumbling into stupid actions–clearly! And there is no law against winning at all costs–clearly! Team traitor trump could bearly hold their presidential campaign together let alone conspire with a foreign government. Welcome to stupid America!

Finally, the term “traitor trump” still applies as it always has; not because I think him a traitor who conspired with an enemy country, but because he has been a traitor to the Constitution from the moment he was sworn into office. He has abused the meaning and spirit of the Constitution from day one, but here we are trapped in a world of MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans who are too stupid to realize there is a dictator at the head of the government. Stupid me! That’s what they wanted. F*** me! Welcome to stupid America!